Philip Harris

Philip Harris


I was born in Massachusetts and currently reside in Maine. I received my degree in Political Science from The American University in Washington, D.C. and worked at every level of government. I am currently employed in special education.



As Chairman of All Things That Matter Press, I will post excerpts for some of our books here on BookBuzzr.

I am co-author of the controversial novel WAKING GOD: Book I coined a “spiritual thriller,” which wasre-released in ’08. I am also co-author of THE SACRED ROTA, Book II, released in 2009. My second novel was, A MAINECHRISTMAS CAROL  My third book (non-fiction), JESUS TAUGHT IT, TOO: THE EARLY ROOTS OF THE LAW OF ATTRACTION was released by Avatar Publication 8’07 and the second edition is  with ATTMP.  My fourth book, RAPING LOUISIANA: A DIARY OF DECEIT, was released by Cambridge Books, 9/07. My fifth and sixth books, COLLECTED MESSAGES: GUIDES FOR PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION, BOOKS I AND II were re- released in 2008. POLARIZING YOUR LIFE TOWARDS PERFECTION is published by Cambridge Books. WAKING GOD BOOK II: THE SACRED ROTA was released All Things That Matter Press. WAKING GOD BOOK III: THE SECOND COMING OF HUMANITY was released in 2011 by ATTMPress. WAKING GOD: THE TRILOGY is now available and contains all three books.

I am a nationally syndicated and featured writer for The American Chronicle and I have ablog called ALL THINGS THAT MATTER.  I am listed as a spiritual growth expert on  Also visit

As a certified Holistic Life Coach, I offer guidance to those seeking to take control of their body, mind and spirit. Also visit ,


Breaking Through the Spiral Ceiling: An American Woman Becomes a DNA Scientist

Breaking Through the Spiral Ceiling: An American Woman Becomes a DNA Scientist

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Laura Hoopes takes you along as she tries to enter science in the 1960's in the post-Sputnik science education frenzy, only to find doors closed to women.  She persists, makes a career of molecular gerontology and insists on making space for marriage and children in her life.  This inspiring read says, "Yes, you can," to women who have dreams of their own.

Story Behind The Book
