Justin Hart

Justin Hart


Justin Hart currently lives in Atlanta, Georgia. He diligently serves his church and community as a leader, promotes sexual abstinence to singles of all ages, and is devoted to helping others find direction, purpose, and identity. Justin enjoys spending time with his family and friends, reading, and participating in athletics.

Through the Eyes of Maria: Consequences

Through the Eyes of Maria: Consequences

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<p>Maria’s life shifts course when destiny brings her into the arms of Christian. His earnest kindness and generosity offer the potential for a future she never imagined possible. Afraid of pushing Christian away, Maria changes her identity and buries her sordid past.<br /><br />But when the truth threatens to expose her calculated deception, will Maria find the courage to face her demons and salvage all that's at stake?<br /><br />Or will Maria be forced to accept that she simply cannot outrun the shadows that chase her?</p>

Story Behind The Book


<font face="Tahoma">&quot;Open up Liquid Sunshine and allow God to shine through the pages onto your rainy days. Justin Hart crafts an intriguing and heart touching story that will keep you turning the pages and wanting more.&quot; <br /><font color="#000000"></font></font> <br /><font face="tahoma" color="#000000">Johnson Bowie</font><br /><div dir="ltr"><font face="tahoma" color="#000000">Fusion Young Adult Ministry</font></div>