Jack Scott

Jack Scott


Jack Scott was born on a British army base in Canterbury, England in 1960 and spent part of his childhood in Malaysia as a 'forces brat.' A fondness for men in uniforms quickly developed. At the age of eighteen and determined to dodge further education, Jack became a shop boy on Chelsea's trendy King's Road. Days on the tills and nights on the tiles were the best probation for a young gay man about town. After two carefree years, Jack swapped sales for security and got a proper job with a pension attached. By his late forties, passionately dissatisfied with suburban life and middle management, he and his Civil Partner, Liam, abandoned the sanctuary of liberal London for an uncertain future in Turkey.

In 2010, Jack started an irreverent narrative about his new life and Perking the Pansies quickly became one of the most popular English language blogs in Turkey. Within a year, he had been featured in the Turkish national press, had published numerous essays and articles in expat and travel magazines and had contributed to the Huffington Post Union of Bloggers. As the blog developed a head of steam, a growing worldwide audience clamoured for a book. Jack duly obliged and his hilarious (well, he thinks so) memoir, Perking the Pansies, Jack and Liam move to Turkey was released through Summertime Publishing in 2011. Receiving critical acclaim, Jack's debut book won a Rainbow Book Award in two categories, made the top ten for the prestigious Polari First Book Prize and featured in a double page spread in Time Out, Istanbul. The book's success opened up a whole new career for Jack as an author. Jack and Liam ended their Anatolian affair and paddled back to Britain on the evening tide. They currently live in Norwich, a surprising cathedral city in eastern England.

Jack hasn't rested on his laurels. He's finished the sequel to tie up the fraying loose ends and bring Jack and Liam's story crashing to its surprising conclusion. Turkey Street, Jack and Liam move to Bodrum was published in May 2015.

Santa's Birthday Gift

Santa's Birthday Gift

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<p><span style="color:#000000;line-height:115%;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';font-size:10pt;">Santa’s Birthday Gift was written in response to a grandchild’s question, after reading the story of the Nativity.<span>  </span>She asked, “But where’s Santa?”<span>  </span>This story tells the story of the Nativity and then goes on to tell the story about how when Jesus is born, Santa sees the star at the North Pole and travels to see the baby.  Since he is a toymaker, he brings his bag of toys - and offers them to the Christ Child, and then to all the people of the town.  His birthday gift to Jesus is a promise to bring gifts to all good boys and girls each year on the Christ Child's birthday</span></p>

Story Behind The Book

Jack Scott became an accidental writer. When he and his partner, Liam, jumped the good ship Blighty and waded ashore to Turkey, they had planned to put their feet up and watch the pansies grow. But so much happened around them that Jack was compelled to write it all down. First came the blog, then came book, next comes the sequel.


<p>Empathetic, respectful and pretty acute. Hugh Pope. Author and Journalist.</p> <p>Jack Scott is something of a miracle worker in that he's persuaded a non-Turkish publisher that there's a market for a story about life abroad that's neither Tuscany nor Provence. Time Out, Istanbul.</p> <p>An entertaining story, told with wit and insight. Paul Burston, Author.</p> <p>A really excellent book. Funny and insightful and poignant all at once. Rainbow Book Awards.</p> <p> </p>