Sam Cheever

Sam Cheever


My published work includes 40+ books of romantic suspense and fantasy/paranormal. My books have won the Dream Realm Award for fantasy, have been nominated and/or won several CAPAs, were nominated for “Best of” with LRC and The Romance Reviews, and have won eCataromance’s Reviewer’s Choice award. I am published with Ellora’s Cave, both Romantica and Blush; Changeling Press; Musa Publishing; and Red Rose Publishing. I also publish as Declan Sands, writing m/m fiction, and under my own imprint, Electric Prose Publications.

In my real life, I live on a hobby farm in Indiana with 13 dogs, 2 horses, and one husband. Not necessarily in that order. Yeah...13 dogs...what can I say, I'm a dog-aholic! 


New Moon Rising

New Moon Rising

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The Pacific Plate is one of the most geological active areas in the world, and the site of constant volcanic and earthquake activity.  The Ring of Fire, in the Pacific Ocean, will soon escalate its impact on mankind.  Two brothers, one a geologist and one a surfer are at the center of and event that will change the Earth, forever.

Story Behind The Book
