E. E. Kennedy

E. E. Kennedy


Picture Ellen Edwards Kennedy (aka EEK) grew up in Miss Prentice’s region of far northern New York State and lived with her husband and children across the South and West. This has given her a deep love for these areas and a sharp ear for regional accents. Through high school and college, she performed in summer stock, briefly nursing the vain dream of becoming a Broadway musical star, but eventually made a career as an award-winning TV/radio advertising copywriter. Her experiences as a high school substitute teacher make her uniquely qualified to translate obscure adolescent dialects into understandable English.
Along with the Miss Prentice Mysteries, she is the author of a Christian romance novella, "The Applesauce War," in the upcoming anthology, THE FARMER'S BRIDE, from Barbour Books; and ANOTHER THINK COMING, a mystery set in Texas. 

Book Two in the Miss Prentice series, DEATH DANGLES A PARTICIPLE, follows the further adventures of Amelia, Gil, Vern and Lily in the wintry North Country and is scheduled to be published in 2013, and book three, MURDER IN THE PAST TENSE that introduces us to Amelia and friends as teenagers, is currently in production. Ellen writes weekly articles at The Wordsmith Journal Magazine. Articles on writing and the Christian life alternate, week to week. Click on "Behind the Mystery" in the menu above above to read her latest post.

Ellen is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Christian Author's Network, Light of Carolina Writers, Sisters in Crime and MurderMustAdvertise.

She and her husband live in North Carolina, are born-again Christians, and the happy, blessed grandparents of five little answers to prayer.

The Golden Rule Coloring Book

The Golden Rule Coloring Book

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<p>What if you treated others the way you’d like to be treated? If everyone did that, what kind of world could there be? Please join the children’s quest to discover how to follow the Golden Rule and to share it with others. </p><p>This coloring book version of Sherrill S. Cannon’s best-selling children’s story, The Golden Rule, allows kids to enjoy reading in rhyme, as well as illustrating their own version of how children can help us be kind to each other.</p>

Story Behind The Book

I wrote the book because I needed something to read. I like Agatha Christie-style mysteries, and decided to see if I could come up with one myself. IRREGARDLESS is the result. I was fortunate to find a wonderful publisher, Sheaf House. The book has been very well received and reviewed. It's available not only in paperback, but in Nook, Kindle and at Christianbook.com A sequel will arrive very soon, DEATH DANGLES A PARTICIPLE! Amelia goes to bat for a pair of reckless teens accused of a particularly brutal murder.


<p>Ms. Kennedy has crafted a page turner worthy of the old masters, an exciting event, some story, another exciting event, more story. And the mystery is terrific. You want to figure out who us behind everything but you just can't seem to and so you flip another page hoping for an answer which doesn't come until the satisfactory end.--VicG, TheSuspenseZone reviewer</p>