Felix Padilla

Felix Padilla


A Professor of Sociology, Dr. Felix Padilla, has taught at several universities and written many academic works. Over the course of his life, personal experiences have led Dr. Padilla on a journey to attain the authentic self.

Dr. Padilla is passionately dedicated to helping awaken in people a desire to see themselves as the true shapers of not only their lives, but of this beautiful planet which interconnects us all.  This can only occur when individuals develop the knowledge and understanding necessary to become the true authentic selves they were meant to be. It is only with true self-love and ever-lasting happiness that we can contribute to the creation of a peaceful world.  It is Dr. Padilla’s mission, his authentic purpose to help other people awaken to this truth.

 Dr. Padilla is available for workshops, talks and trainings. To learn more about Dr.Padilla and his work, please visit his website at www.authenticsouls.com, or email fpadilla0606@msn.com.

Passion & Betrayal

Passion & Betrayal

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<p>(Book 1)<br />Betrayed by the woman he loved and on the verge of destitution, artist Jonathan Martinez channels his anguish and rage into what will become his greatest masterpiece—Passion and Betrayal. The painting, critically acclaimed, ushers him into the world of fine art and allows him to realize his dreams. Stepping out of the shadows, he transforms into Phillipe, a wealthy artist and sought-after bachelor who enjoys an extravagant lifestyle—including his pick of any woman he desires.<br /><br />But when Phillipe least expects, the woman who almost destroyed him returns on the arm of his agent. Despite his anger, she awakens the part of his soul he entombed long ago. The part of him that can never forget her, no matter how deeply he buries himself in his art.<br /><br />With everything he's accomplished at stake, can Phillipe overpower the demons that haunt him and learn to love again? Or will his heart remain a shattered work of art that can never be restored?</p>

Story Behind The Book

Since its original publication in December, 2010. Dr. Padilla has been told stories by many readers about how The Struggle for the Authentic Self came into their lives at the right time, at a time when they were feeling lost and helpless and its teachings inspired them to begin to see themselves and the world through a set of new and different eyes and to start remaking their lives according to the feelings and emotions of their true nature. Published recently (June 25, 2013) in a new edition, The Struggle for the Authentic Self is not a self help book in the conventional sense. It is highly original, deeply grounded in both social science knowledge and understanding as well as in spiritual wisdom and practice. As such, the book was not prepared to preach at readers. Instead, it aims to awaken them to the greatness of the authentic self, a greatness that takes “struggle” or a conscious battle to bring forth in a society where most people live in-authentic lives, that is, where most people live in false consciousness.


<p>Review by Cathy Theus Brown</p> <p>Felix Padilla’s book &quot;The Struggle for the Authentic Self&quot; is an excellent read. It is written in such a way that it gives very understandable information on how to achieve the ability to become, not the person society expects us to be, but your true, individual Authentic Self, very challenging, and I'm still on the path to working on it personally myself, but Very Achievable too, helping you to regain who you really are, and not who you grew up believing you had to be. It helps you to reach a higher level of consciousness of who you are, what you can be, and releasing the limitations you've grown to think is all there is. There's so much more within us than we could ever imagine. Thank you Felix for the opportunity to work toward the Struggle for the Authentic Self.</p> <p>Review by Mariamme Baum</p> <p>The Struggle for the Authentic Self not only saved my life, it made it simply ecstatic in so many aspects, and everyday becoming more authentic feels like a blessing!!! So many reasons to be grateful to have you in my life as a writer, a teacher and a mentor, thank you for who you are and for this inspiring book.  Authentic ~M</p> <p>Review by Carisa A. Kenworthy</p> <p>I highly recommend the book The Struggle for the Authentic Self written by Felix Padilla. The book is truly inspiring and if everyone could take the time to read it, the world would be a better place. Professor Padilla helps us to do some soul searching to find who we really are, and why we are here. Everyone has an Authentic Self deep inside. One that has not been tarnished by the marks and rules society puts on us. Once we find our true authentic selves we have found life!</p> <p>Arturo Arevalo, UMass Boston</p> <p>I just keep reading your book at a pace that I cannot stop (taking into account that I can only read a book while on the train). I just started chapter sixteen, and since chapter 10 I’ve wanted to let you know that your writing reminds me a lot of Paulo Coelho and the secret and the law of attraction, but I know it doesn't stop there the journey ahead of us is full of achievements, happiness and stumbling upon challenges that makes us stronger. It's not an easy task to think about the same thought for more than six seconds, but I’ll try.</p>