Bob Santos

Bob Santos


Bob Santos burns with a passion to help form and equip a generation of world changers for Christ.

Having graduated from  Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) in 1982 with a bachelor of science degree in chemistry, Bob went on to spend 15+ years working as an analytical Chemist. Longing to make a more significant impact in our world, he took a major step of faith to serve as a campus minister at IUP. While challenging in many regards, the years spent learning how to reach and grow disciples of Christ through college ministry proved to be extremely meaningful.

In the spring of 2006, Bob and his wife, Debi, founded Search for Me Ministries, Inc. (SfMe Ministries) with a vison to reach a broader audience than what they could through campus ministry. At the heart of SfMe Ministries is an emphasis on investing in those who with a desire to invest in the lives of others.

In addition to serving as the President of SfMe Ministries, Bob is currently the Southwest Pennsylvania Area Representative for Elim Fellowship. He likes to fish, hunt, and garden as time allows.

Passion & Betrayal

Passion & Betrayal

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<p>(Book 1)<br />Betrayed by the woman he loved and on the verge of destitution, artist Jonathan Martinez channels his anguish and rage into what will become his greatest masterpiece—Passion and Betrayal. The painting, critically acclaimed, ushers him into the world of fine art and allows him to realize his dreams. Stepping out of the shadows, he transforms into Phillipe, a wealthy artist and sought-after bachelor who enjoys an extravagant lifestyle—including his pick of any woman he desires.<br /><br />But when Phillipe least expects, the woman who almost destroyed him returns on the arm of his agent. Despite his anger, she awakens the part of his soul he entombed long ago. The part of him that can never forget her, no matter how deeply he buries himself in his art.<br /><br />With everything he's accomplished at stake, can Phillipe overpower the demons that haunt him and learn to love again? Or will his heart remain a shattered work of art that can never be restored?</p>

Story Behind The Book

In my pursuit of God I've gone through times of intense difficulty, sometimes wondering if perhaps God hadn't abandoned me somewhere along the way. Through the process I discovered that He was right there all of the time and that it was my perspective that needed to change. Champions in the Wilderness is the culmination of God's truth as processed through my own day to day challenges.
