Barry Finlay

Barry Finlay


Barry Finlay is a fiction and non-fiction author. In his previous life, he had an extensive career in financial management before retiring in 2004 after thirty two years with the Canadian federal government. Since retiring, he has divided his time between writing, working as a consultant on financial policy matters, travel, playing golf, climbing mountains, philanthropy and enjoying his three grandchildren.

In 2009, Barry got off the couch and climbed Mount Kilimanjaro with his son, Chris. The experience of climbing Africa's highest mountain at age 60 with one of his sons, and discovering the satisfaction of reaching a goal and giving others the opportunity to achieve theirs, was a non-fiction book waiting to be written. The travel memoir and inspirational Kilimanjaro and Beyond has won numerous awards and Barry is featured in the Authors Show book, "50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading."

His 2nd book, a travel memoir called I Guess We Missed The Boat, also non-fiction, received the 2013/14 Reader Views Literary Award in the Travel category and reached Amazon Kindle Bestseller status.

In 2014, Barry started working on the Marcie Kane Thriller Collection. The first in the series, The Vanishing Wife, was released that year. On the merits of The Vanishing Wife, Barry was named as a winner of a Canada Book Award for his accomplishment and contribution to the publishing world. It was also named the best e-book in the Thriller/Mystery category by New Apple Literary Awards and also reached Amazon Kindle Bestseller status.

That was followed by A Perilous Question, which received an award for the best Thriller/Suspense in the New Apple Literary Awards e-book category, and was named Official Selection in the 2016 New Apple Book Awards: Suspense / Thriller (paperback) and as a Finalist in the Eric Hoffer Book Awards.

His contemporary political thriller, Remote Access, was released in 2018 and has received acclaim from a variety of reviewers. In 2019, he released a novella called Never So Alone, which expands on the background of one of his central characters. His next in the series, The Burden of Darkness, was released in May 2020.

Barry is a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee medal for philanthropy.

A portion of the proceeds from the books will go towards helping young women and youth in Africa.

Outta Time

Outta Time

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<p> </p><p>Sophie is a psychic medium and animal communicator. She runs a small crystal shop called, Outta Time. The shop</p><p>Is located in a small district called Lents in Portland, Oregon.</p><p>Nick is a man who if you can't touch it, feel it or see it then it doesn't exist. He is sure she is a phony psychic who is bilking money out of his mother and he intends to expose her.</p><p>Sophie sees him as a non-believer, someone who could never understand her or her way of life. She is attracted to him but knows there can be no future for them unless he can be made to understand what her world is all about.</p><p>Their Guardian Angels get into the act to guide the two to a better understanding of each other.</p><p>Nick's Guardians help his deceased Father get through to Nick and help him to understand that death is not the end. He soon learns there can be communication between the living and the dead.</p>

Story Behind The Book


<p><span style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;line-height:19px;background-color:rgb(255,255,255);">&quot;Barry Finlay has made the transition from mountain climbing (Kilimanjaro and Beyond) to hilarity in this new book (I Guess We Missed the Boat). His descriptions of the trials of international travelling, though not funny at the time, are &quot;laugh out loud&quot; hilarious. The stories of his travels with his congenial in-laws and friends are told in a manner that makes you feel that you, too, were involved in the event. Not only are these people seeing the world,they are having fun doing it.&quot; - Elizabeth  - as r</span><span style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;line-height:19px;background-color:rgb(255,255,255);">eviewed on General Store Publishing House site.</span></p>