Lady J

Lady J


Lady J, was selected by the Council of Elders of Puppy World and Captain Bootsie ear & His Fearless Crew to recount their adventures on Planet Earth and Beyond. She was bestowed the official title “Lady J”, Official Grand Katib.

In the time of the dinosaurs, she has worked with disabled children and adults, abandoned animals both domestic and wild. Finding homes, helping cure the sick and re-introducing wild animals into their natural habitat when possible.

A mother and educator, she lives behind the keyboard recounting the adventures of these time travellers and says, “Writing for this crew is the most wonderful job I could have!”

Her peaceful existence came to an end when walking through the woods one day - she came upon a strange spacecraft, four talking dogs and a magical cat. They informed her that she had been chosen to recount their adventures. Since then they have been appointed Ambassadors to Italy or World Animal Day.

She lives in Italy, which is now the Earth Base for her space travellers,  with her husband Abel and  of course her  companions, Captain Bootsie Bear and His Fearless  Crew. She says.. "life has ever been the same, but that's the fun of adventure! "

Dangerous Alliance

Dangerous Alliance

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<p>United Nations’ sanctions are crippling North Korea. China has turned her back on her malevolent partner. The North Korean military machine is crumbling, unable to function. Oil reserves are minimal and the government seeks new alliances.Cargo and tourist ships are disappearing along the Somali and Kenyan coastline at an alarming rate. Speeches abound, but inaction emboldens Al-Shabab to seek their next prize: Kenya. The terror organization controls land but requires weapons.Bedlam Bravo team leader Colonel Trevor Franklin (Ret.) leads the small international team into East Africa. Tempers flare as the team is embroiled in a political quagmire. The axis must be stopped to avert an international crisis but at what cost?Proudly published by Solstice Publishing</p>

Story Behind The Book
