Mrs.D. Olga Dagostino

Mrs.D. Olga Dagostino


Mrs. D. (Olga D’Agostino), award-winnig children's author, grew up in western Ukraine as the daughter of a forest ranger. Inspired by the beauty of nature, she loved to write stories and poems in her native language and dreamed of becoming a writer. She finished Lviv business college and in 1992 immigrated to the United States with her two small daughters. In 2011 she started to pursue her childhood dreams, among them writing books for children. She is a member of SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators), speaks several languages fluently, and loves reading, writing, gardening, and traveling. She lives in Smithville, New Jersey, with her husband, Patrick, and an adventurous cat named Nyda. Her books are available in print on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and as e-books for most popular e-devices. For updates on Mrs. D.’s books, please visit her websites:

Size Zero (Visage Book 1)

Size Zero (Visage Book 1)

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<p style="margin:0px 0px 14px;padding:0px;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;"><strong>&quot;A somber, disturbing mystery fused with a scathing look at the fashion industry. </strong><strong>Mangin writes in a confident, razor-edged style.&quot;</strong><strong> - Kirkus Reviews</strong></p><p style="margin:-4px 0px 14px;padding:0px;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;"><strong>Condom dresses and space helmets have debuted on fashion runways.</strong></p><p style="margin:-4px 0px 14px;padding:0px;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;">A dead body becomes the trend when a coat made of human skin saunters down fashion's biggest stage. The body is identified as Annabelle Leigh, the teenager who famously disappeared over a decade ago from her boyfriend's New York City mansion.</p><p style="margin:-4px 0px 14px;padding:0px;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;">This new evidence casts suspicion back on the former boyfriend, Cecil LeClaire. Now a monk, he is forced to return to his dark and absurd childhood home to clear his name. He teams up with Ava Germaine, a renegade ex-model. And together, they investigate the depraved and lawless modeling industry behind Cecil's family fortune.</p><p style="margin:-4px 0px 14px;padding:0px;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;">They find erotic canes, pet rats living in crystal castles, and dresses made of crushed butterfly wings. But Cecil finds more truth in the luxury goods than in the people themselves. Everyone he meets seems to be wearing a person-suit. Terrified of showing their true selves, the glitterati put on flamboyant public personas to make money and friends. Can Cecil find truth in a world built on lies?</p><p style="margin:-4px 0px 0px;padding:0px;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;"><strong>In high fashion modeling, selling bodies is organized crime.</strong></p>

Story Behind The Book

How Carlo the Mouse Took the World by the Horns. George Bernard Shaw once said, “Make it a rule never to give a child a book you would not read yourself.” Writing my first book, Carlo the Mouse on Vacation, I kept his advice in mind. I wanted to create a children’s book that would appeal not only to children but to grown-ups as well. I hoped my story would attract a wider sector of readers of different ages and bring back memories of youthful fun and good laughs. Taking into consideration the fact that grown-ups are the ones who introduce books to children, I tried to lift the bar so the storyline would appeal to older readers too. If necessary, they could easily explain the story to the children if they were too young to understand it. This decision slightly raised the eyebrows of some cynical folks. Thank heavens it did not bother the young fans. They fell in love with the daring mouse as soon as they saw the happy Carlo beaming from the cover of this book. Since the day I introduced this adventurous mouse to readers, he has managed to find many good friends around the globe. Readers like how Carlo took the world by the horns. I have received emails, messages, suggestions, pictures, and even some stories about Carlo’s future adventures, which I may use when the time is right. Anyone who has read Carlo the Mouse on Vacation might remember that the story finished with Carlo sitting inside an empty pizza box. We'll let him sit there for a while and think of how he will outsmart the man in black. Meanwhile, I will tell you the story that led to the series of six books on Carlo the mouse as a baby. It was the day of my daughter’s bridal shower. Before the girls hit the town to have fun, I volunteered to babysit for their children. The children happened to be very young, between 3 and 7 years old, and it was very challenging to entertain them all afternoon. Tired of chasing them around, I pulled out a box with books and started showing them colorful illustrations from my first book, Carlo the Mouse on Vacation. Before I knew it, the kids showered me with many questions about the Florida mouse. Who does not know about that famous mouse! But I stumbled on the famous cook, who yelled “Baaam” from the TV and scared babies in the delivery room. The kids were so excited to find out what Carlo did inside the hospital that I started cooking up new stories about Carlo as a baby. There were many questions about the doctors, the hospital staff, and Carlo’s mom and dad. As they looked at the colorful illustrations, the kids were coming up with so many ideas that my head began to spin. To calm them down, I came up with stories of how Carlo caused trouble inside the hospital. Their interest sparked immediately. At first, the kids wanted Carlo to do bad things and act silly, but I thought it would be more fun if we established some rules, which, of course, Carlo would eventually break and get himself in more trouble. In this way, younger children would learn something useful from his adventures while still having fun. I spent a lot of time in the hospital with my sick father and had a good idea of how a nosy mouse could get in trouble. Jumping in front of each other in their excitement, the children came up with many rules and some good propositions. It was already close to dinnertime, but the game was not even close to an end. That was when my husband came to the rescue. He found a few flashlights and started the real adventures. Armed with flashlights and plastic bags, the young hunters started searching all the closets in the house. While their mission was going on, I managed to cook meatballs and spaghetti. Looking for clues that Carlo left in the closet, my husband finally lured the children to the kitchen so we could feed them. Who could refuse Mrs. D’s meatballs and spaghetti, which Carlo did not manage to taste when he tried to visit Mrs. D’s kitchen? In no time, the plates were empty and the children went back to searching for the sneaky mouse until they could not keep their eyes open. In the middle of the night, I could still hear them talking about the little mouse causing trouble in the hospital. The next day, I received calls from their parents asking me the name of the book I had read to their children, because they were still looking for some mouse that was hiding in their closet. “Unwritten book,” I said. At that moment, I knew I must go back in time and write new stories about Carlo the mouse, beginning the day he was born. The game the children created that summer did not stop and is going on to this day. It became more interesting when we started working on illustrations and I could show my little friends how the stories were coming to life. Now the game is more intriguing, because they can visualize the scenes from the illustrations and still have an opportunity to come up with their own stories. As the author, I faced a real dilemma: what to do with the original book, Carlo the Mouse on Vacation. Since this book includes four stories, which are for slightly older readers, I decided to slightly rewrite it and I made these stories part of the new series of Carlo the mouse. As of right now, I have six books about Carlo the mouse as a baby and a teen, which I will gradually connect to the old stories. Chanoa, the illustrator, beautifully illustrated the first six books. Her illustrations are colorful, entertaining, and pleasant to the eye. Carlo the Mouse: Book1: Too Many Rules for One Little Mouse is published and currently available in print as a soft- and hardcover book and as an e-book for most popular e-devices. The full series of adventures of Carlo the mouse will easily entertain children and grown-ups. I am planning to publish the first six books in 2014 and 2015. I still have not decided what to do with my first book, Carlo the Mouse on Vacation. I may retire it as soon as I publish these stories as separate books, or I may keep it available for my fans as a great remainder of how the series of Carlo the Mouse fell into my lap once again. It has been some thrilling ride since I introduced Carlo the mouse to the world. As my grandpa would say, “Every vegetable has its time.” So does this story. It must find its readers, some of them far away from Florida and some of them next to my home. And as my young fan, Sergei from Moscow, wrote in his story, may the story of Carlo the mouse never end.


<p><span style="font-family:Tahoma, Arial;font-size:14px;background-color:rgb(255,255,255);">Reviewed by Lee Ashford for Readers' Favorite</span><br style="padding:0px;font-family:Tahoma, Arial;font-size:14px;background-color:rgb(255,255,255);" /><br style="padding:0px;font-family:Tahoma, Arial;font-size:14px;background-color:rgb(255,255,255);" /><span style="font-family:Tahoma, Arial;font-size:14px;background-color:rgb(255,255,255);">Carlo the Mouse, Book 1: Too Many Rules for One Little Mouse by Mrs. D. is absolutely stunning in both its graphics and the lessons it teaches. Carlo is a baby mouse (mouselet?) who eats like a horse. He lives with his family inside the walls of a hospital, and virtually wears out his parents as they try to find Carlo enough food. Carlo not only eats a lot, but he has a vivid imagination, far above your average mouse mind, I’m sure. Carlo smells the different foods cooking in the hospital kitchen, and imagines travelling to all the various countries represented by the chef’s repertoire of recipes. On spaghetti night, he thinks about visiting Italy. On taco night, he imagines a trip to old Mexico. Don’t even get me started on the French food! Carlo just knows there is a big, beautiful world out there, and he wants to see it all… NOW!</span><br style="padding:0px;font-family:Tahoma, Arial;font-size:14px;background-color:rgb(255,255,255);" /><br style="padding:0px;font-family:Tahoma, Arial;font-size:14px;background-color:rgb(255,255,255);" /><span style="font-family:Tahoma, Arial;font-size:14px;background-color:rgb(255,255,255);">Carlo the Mouse, Book 1: Too Many Rules for One Little Mouse is, obviously, Book 1 in a new series by the very talented Mrs. D. Several of the subsequent books are already well along in the publishing process, and it is abundantly clear this series is going to be a big hit. There isn’t a young child in the country – maybe in the whole world – who would not be totally captivated by the brilliant colors, the amusing illustrations, and the anxious little mouse who just wants to “get out there” and see the world. As well done as this book is, I strongly suspect Carlo WILL see much of the world from inside Kindles all over the planet, and from the windows of bookstores the world over. Mrs. D. has an innate gift for writing stories that appeal to children. Carlo and Mrs. D. have a great future ahead of them! I very much recommend this book and this series for all the little children you know. Christmas is coming, and Carlo is packed and ready to go! Mickey had better watch out... there's a new mouse in town!</span></p> <p> </p> <p><span style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;line-height:19px;background-color:rgb(255,255,255);">Dear Mrs. D.</span><br style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;line-height:19px;background-color:rgb(255,255,255);" /><span style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;line-height:19px;background-color:rgb(255,255,255);">Finally magic happened! Amazon delivered a long awaited book, Carlo the Mouse, Book 1: Too Many Rules for One Little Mouse! Children are happy, parents are thrilled, and baby Carlo is over the moon! The story immediately drew us into a life of the baby Carlo, who made us wonder page after page. At the end of the story, my younger son knew all five rules by the heartbeat! The only regrets we have that this book finished on the most interesting spot, but it gave us an opportunity to discuss the story again and go over the beautiful illustrations, which made this book memorable and fun to read. Now I understand why your little fans like Carlo the mouse. As a grown-up, I fell in love with this adorable character the moment I looked at the first illustration. I had as much pleasure reading this book as my son did. Sometimes, a sample book like this one, gives more to a child then books chosen by the school experts. Now we could hardly wait what the next book will hold. Thank you so much for making our children happy. Because of books like yours, our children will grow up happier, kinder, and smarter. Great story! Wonderful artwork! Astonishing children’s book!</span></p>