Robert Taylor

Robert Taylor


​I was born and raised in Bryan, Texas a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

I started writing stories down when I was ten after one of my older sisters (thanks, Gari!) read an assignment I'd written for school and thought it was hysterical. I followed it up with lots of other stories, all of which have doubtless been reborn as wildflowers and trees after this many decades of decomposing.

Once I got a little adultish, I spent a few years bopping around; I lived in Austin, went to college back home, sweated out a summer doing summer stock in Seguin, TX, spent a year in Paris as an au pair, and finally moved to Los Angeles to break into the movies. The fact that you have seen me in exactly 0 movies should indicate my level of success at this.

I was more successful at computing, which I moved back to Texas to do and have been employed at for around a quarter century at this point. God, I'm old. Old and boring.

After the move back, I got together with my sweet honey​ and we had two little honeys of our own.

While my wife was pregnant with our firstborn, I had the idea for a unique and colorful blog that would be a way to introduce myself to the world and become a springboard for my writing to reach a wider audience. RPGs-a-plenty hit Blogger and I was off and running!

Oh, and at the same time, I started using Blogger to make a fun little blog in which I invented alternate histories and wrote flash fictions about them in a Today-In-History format. It was mainly a writing spur and a place to make outlines and notes about projects I wanted to flesh out later. I didn't plan to do anything much with it, but I made it public and gave it a cute name, anyway - Today In Alternate History - just because I thought it was fun.

Naturally, people noticed the one I didn't intend to do anything with.

TIAH was more successful for me than anything I'd written before or since, but it didn't exactly let me quit my day job. I handed it over to an Ascended Fan, who has, to be honest, run it better than I ever did, even if he did change my format to magazine-style.

Since handing over the reins to TIAH, I've been concentrating on novels and this whole ebook thing the kids are talking about these days. I have a friend who's doing quite well at this, and I have nothing but high hopes for my own future. After all, JK Rowling is only a month older than I am.

When you have a minute, ask me about the people who followed the path I blazed who are now WAY more successful than I am. Go ahead. I'm not bitter or anything.

Heir to a Prophecy

Heir to a Prophecy

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<p><span><span>Shakespeare's Witches tell Banquo, &quot;Thou Shalt 'Get Kings Though Thou Be None&quot;. Though Banquo is murdered, his son Fleance gets away. What happened to Fleance? What Kings? As Shakespeare's audience apparently knew, Banquo was the ancestor of the royal Stewart line. But the road to kingship had a most inauspicious beginning, and we follow Fleance into exile and death, bestowing the Witches' prophecy on his illegitimate son Walter. Born in Wales and raised in disgrace, Walter's efforts to understand Banquo's murder and honor his lineage take him on a long and treacherous journey through England and France before facing his destiny in Scotland.</span></span></p>

Story Behind The Book
