Bill Hiatt

Bill Hiatt


~Bill Hiatt has been teaching English at Beverly Hills High School since 1981. Although teaching has been and remains his first love, he has also been drawn to creative writing of various sorts. From high school on, he wrote short stories, a little poetry, and an earlier novel, finished in 1982. In September, 2012 Living with Your Past Selves became his first published work. In March, 2013 Echoes from My Past Lives, the prequel to LWYPS, was published, and Divided against Yourselves, his third published work…but certainly not his last!

Bill’s ancestors came from a wide variety of European backgrounds, with Celtic groups (Irish, Scottish, Breton, and, as you might guess from this novel, Welsh) being the most well represented. His ancestors settled in America long ago, though, some of them as early as the colonial period. He is a third generation Californian who grew up and still currently lives in Culver City, California.

Peter and the Whimper Whineys Coloring Book

Peter and the Whimper Whineys Coloring Book

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<p><span style="color:rgb(24,24,24);font-family:Merriweather, Georgia, serif;font-size:14px;">This coloring book version of the best-selling “whine-stopper” children’s story was designed for kids to enjoy reading the rhyming, as well as being able to illustrate their own version of Peter’s nocturnal adventure into the woods.</span><br style="color:rgb(24,24,24);font-family:Merriweather, Georgia, serif;font-size:14px;" /><br style="color:rgb(24,24,24);font-family:Merriweather, Georgia, serif;font-size:14px;" /><span style="color:rgb(24,24,24);font-family:Merriweather, Georgia, serif;font-size:14px;">Peter’s mother warns him that if he doesn’t stop whining and crying, he’ll have to go live with the Whimper-Whineys. His adventure continues as he later hops into the woods and finds lots of frightening Whimper-Whineymen! He discovers that the Whimper-Whineys are very ill-mannered and rude, and that everything is sour in Whimper-Whineland. He decides his mother was right. If only he can get back home!</span><br style="color:rgb(24,24,24);font-family:Merriweather, Georgia, serif;font-size:14px;" /><br style="color:rgb(24,24,24);font-family:Merriweather, Georgia, serif;font-size:14px;" /><span style="color:rgb(24,24,24);font-family:Merriweather, Georgia, serif;font-size:14px;">According to a recent critique, “I cannot imagine any parent or guardian not wanting to read this book to their child! ... Parents everywhere applaud you!”</span></p>

Story Behind The Book
