Rachel Green

Rachel Green


Rachel Green is a forty-something writerfrom Derbyshire, England. She lives with her twopartners and three dogs. She was the regional winner of the UndiscoveredAuthors 2007 and her first novel ‘An Ungodly Child’ was published in 2008.


When not writing, Rachel walks her threedogs, potters in the garden and drinks copious amounts of tea.

Peter and the Whimper-Whineys

Peter and the Whimper-Whineys

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<span style="line-height:115%;font-family:Calibri, 'sans-serif';font-size:11pt;"><span style="font-family:Calibri;">Peter and the Whimper-Whineys is about a small rabbit who whines all the time. His mother cautions him that if he keeps on whining and crying, he’ll have to go live with the Whimper-Whineys. One night Peter hops into the dark forest.<span>  </span>He meets some Whimper-Whineymen and discovers that not only do the Whimper-Whineys whine all the time, but they are very ill-mannered and rude. He discovers that everything is sour in Whimper-Whineyland and decides his mother was right! If only he can get back home… a recent critique, “Though there are other books out there for children about whining, I cannot imagine any parent or guardian not wanting to read this book to their child!... <span> </span>Parents everywhere applaud you!” </span></span>

Story Behind The Book


With some parallels to writers such as Terry Pratchett and Douglas Adams able to be drawn, Green has created a book which would make a promising start to a series for a larger publisher to take up. This is a really good read and augers well for the future of this author who deserves a bigger career on the back of this.