Alinka Rutkowska

Alinka Rutkowska


Alinka Rutkowska is a “Reader’s Favorite” Five Star Picture Book Author. She writes the “Maya & Filippo” Book Series for Children – travel books for kids with a positive attitude. She takes inspiration from her own travels while cruising with her husband and daughter around the world. She is positive, appreciative and happy 95% of the time and during the miserable 5% she thinks to herself quickly: “things always work out for me” and they do.

Alinka’s doesn’t really have a “to do” list but she does have a “fun things to do” list. It usually consists of writing, reading, reading her writing, writing in her diary, blogging, reading other blogs, commenting, breathing deeply, meditating, feeling the warmth of the sun on her skin, closing her eyes, breathing some more and thinking what a wonderful world she lives in.

Sometimes she takes a few minutes to pause and instead of doing something from her “fun things to do” list she just daydreams a little. She thinks of all the great things that she wants for her to happen and imagines how wonderful it will feel to be interviewed about them in the future. She’s already preparing the answers to those interview questions in her mind. She especially loves the part, in which she says that she achieved all these things because she spent a considerable amount of time visualizing them first.

Alinka loves to ski while listening to music at the same time, she enjoys an occasional glass (or bottle) of Barolo with dark chocolate, she loves cuddling with her husband and daughter. Alinka really likes tea, especially that last sip which is usually the tastiest.

I, Walter

I, Walter

0 ratings


<p>Walter Crofter was born into Elizabethan England.<br />In a country and a time where favor and politics were both deadly, can an honest boy stay true to himself?<br />Especially given his family background?</p>

Story Behind The Book


<p style="padding:0px;margin:0px 0px 14px;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;line-height:19px;"><strong>Five Star Reviews From &quot;Readers’ Favorite&quot;</strong></p> <p style="padding:0px;margin:0px 0px 14px;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;line-height:19px;"><i><strong>From the front cover to the last page, children will delight in the almost childlike and always colorful and quirky illustrations that accompany Maya &amp; Filippo Play Chef at Sea by Alinka Rutkowska. </strong>[...] The story of Maya and Filippo will excite the imagination of children who might wonder what it would be like to live at sea. Alinka Rutkowska takes children on just such a journey, providing them with some basic geographic information, some good advice about working in a kitchen and a valuable lesson about cooperation and communication.</i></p> <p style="padding:0px;margin:-4px 0px 14px;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;line-height:19px;">Rating: 5.0 stars. Reviewed by Patricia Reding for Readers’ Favorite</p> <p style="padding:0px;margin:0px 0px 14px;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;line-height:19px;"><i><strong>Numerous unspoken lessons that children can assimilate without direct instruction are presented in Maya and Filippo Play Chef at Sea. </strong>Experience is the best teacher and Maya and Filippo share their experiences with the reader so that the lessons they learn are simultaneously transmitted. With only limited input from adults, Maya and her brother, Filippo, are free to work out solutions to their issues and children can easily relate to their interactions. Just as with her other stories, <strong>Alinka Rutkowska has created a tale that will appeal to children, which teaches about choices, and encourages communication and sharing.</strong></i></p> <p style="padding:0px;margin:-4px 0px 14px;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;line-height:19px;">Rating: 5.0 stars. Reviewed by Melinda Hills for Readers’ Favorite</p> <p style="padding:0px;margin:0px 0px 14px;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;line-height:19px;"><i>One great thing about the Maya and Filippo books is that each story is fun, but there are some quickly slipped in lessons so that your own children are learning right along with the kids too. Kitchen safety, healthy snacking, washing your hands, and sharing are all very important lessons that can be taken from this book and applied to your own real life cooking with kids experience. <strong>I loved Maya and Filippo’s first adventure, so I was thrilled to find another book in the series and I snapped it up right away. </strong>The concept of having children travel the world is by no means unique, yet Alinka Rutkowska writes with such heart and joy that Maya and Filippo’s adventures make them stand out from the crowd and really excel at what counts, entertaining children.</i></p> <p style="padding:0px;margin:-4px 0px 14px;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;line-height:19px;">Rating: 5.0 stars. Reviewed by Katelyn Hensel for Readers’ Favorite</p>