Robynn Sheahan

Robynn Sheahan


Before I wrote, I read. Voraciously. When I wasn’t able to read, I listened to audio books on tape or CD. Still do.
Hi. My name is Robynn E Sheahan and I live and write from the Cascade Mountains of the Pacific Northwest.

I started to dabble in writing while working as a Paramedic/Firefighter in Northern California. Trust me, it’s not like it appears on TV. There was plenty of time for books.
Ideas from dreams follow me into warm sunny days or the quiet of falling snow. What ifs feed a vivid imagination. Even miss-typed phrases may lead to an aha moment. Brain storming sessions standing in windy, dark parking lots with fellow writers release thoughts that pry at the corners of my mind, grasping for purchase. Sometimes the ideas pursue me, with persistence.
About three years ago the dabbling became serious when worlds and characters screamed for, no, demanded attention. So I wrote my first manuscript. Critiques and rewrites filled the next two years.
I now had STORM OF ARRANON, the first book in the series.



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Story Behind The Book


<p>Congratulations! As you were notified last week, your book, Storm of Arranon-Fire and Ice, was chosen as an Honorable Mention in the Middle-Grade/Young Adult books category of the 21st Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards.<br />  <br /> Competition was particularly fierce this year; your accomplishment is truly impressive. All winners have been notified, and will be formally announced in the March/April 2014 issue of Writer’s Digest and on<br />  <br /> We’re extremely pleased at the quality of the winning books, and indeed, at the level of self-publishing quality evidenced by a great many of our entrants.  We wish you continued success in the publishing and marketing of your writing, and hope we’ll see you among the entrants in our 22nd annual competition.</p> <p>First of all, this is a gorgeous-looking book. The production on it is really professionally done, and it definitely does not look like a lot of self-published books. Awesome choice in artwork!<br /> What struck me right away and really set this apart from the other books in the contest is how well written it is. You drop us right into the action -- chapter after chapter -- and sprinkle in just enough details that we are SHOWN what we need to be shown so that we can experience the scenes right along with the characters, rather than being TOLD a lot of details and exposition, etc. Really well done!<br /> As well, your verbs remain active throughout, which makes for very clear, snappy writing.<br /> My only real criticism in terms of the writing is just a small thing -- is: Use internal, italicized thoughts sparingly. You convey a lot of Erynn's inner workings through what she's saying/doing, so I would argue that you could snip some of these. It's just something that, if you do it a lot, it can get repetitive. And you don't need all of them. Sometimes this can feel like TELLING instead of SHOWING; however, since you're so great with showing, it doesn't really come off that way. Just a thought. :)<br />  </p>