D.E.L. Connor

D.E.L. Connor


Della was born in South Dakota and raised in the vastness and beauty of Montana on a farm. When she longed for the big city life, she moved to Texas where she attended college and received a PhD in nursing. When not nursing people back to health you can find Della huddled over her Mac writing the stories that have occupied her mind for so many years, or traveling with her best friends, the NOLA’s, riding bikes across the Golden Gate bridge or exploring botanical gardens. She is the proud mother of a champion triathlete, two aging dogs and 1 grand-cat. She loves to garden, run 5k’s and spend time with her friends. Della also is a hopeless romantic and a persistent optimist! She is a fanatic follower of Walking Dead, but scares herself by reading Stephen King. Della has admittedly confessed to her coffee addiction and swears that her two hour coffee crawl while on vacation in Seattle –was the best two hours of her life!

Destiny's Purpose

Destiny's Purpose

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This books provides information and strategies for those who are seeking to discover more about their purpose and destiny in life. Each chapter includes  practical and inspirational ideas that are designed to help its readers to to identify and effectively engage in purposeful living.

Story Behind The Book

The Spirit Warriors story evolved from a short story I wrote for a college English class in the early 1990's. The professor read it, loved it and asked me to stay after class and discuss it. During this discussion, he told me a "dark" story like mine that was written for older children would be unmarketable and unsaleable. The story kept floating around in my mind. Finally, J.K. Rowling, Stephenie Meyers and others stepped forward with amazing "dark" stories to create a new genre called Young Adult. The time was finally right for my book. I wrote book 1 in two weeks. It took another year and 1/2 and about a 150 queries all with an "not interested" for me to find a publisher. I found Booktrope and it's all history. :)
