Michael Amram

Michael Amram


I've retired from the corporate world America loves so much.  In 2012, after 14 years of releasing medical records, I am focused on releasing things I create. I am the Indie author of the novel The Orthodoxy of Arrogance and poetry book Scenes the Writer Shows {forty-one places a poem can go}. I have been published by various online magazines and anthologies.  My second novel, Agent of Orange, came out in February of 2014.  A collection of  60 poems relating to chosen veins of human existence (marriage, politics, religion, technology, ect.), When Monkeys feel Rhythms, was published in June of 2014.

The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule

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<p>What if you treated others the way you'd like to be treated? What if everyone did that? What kind of world could there be? Robert and Kait decide to look for the golden ruler that their Mom has told them about, only to find out that she meant RULE instead of ruler. What is this &quot;Golden Rule&quot; and what does it mean? Join in the children's quest to discover how to follow the Golden Rule and share it with others, as you meet many classroom friends from the author's previous books. This is the eighth rhyming children's book by award-winning author Sherrill S. Cannon, whose other bestselling books include Mice &amp; Spiders &amp; Webs...Oh My!, My Fingerpaint Masterpiece, Manner-Man, Gimme-Jimmy, The Magic Word, Peter and the Whimper-Whineys and Santa's Birthday Gift. Former teacher Sherrill S. Cannon has won thirty-six awards for her previous rhyming books and is also the author of seven published and internationally performed plays for elementary school children. She has been called &quot;an absolute master of rhyming&quot; by Mother Daughter Book Reviews and &quot;a modern day Dr. Seuss&quot; by GMTA Review. She lives in New Hope, Pennsylvania. Now retired, she travels the country with her husband in an RV, going from coast to coast to visit their children and grandchildren, and sharing her books along the way. Publisher's website: http://sbpra.com/sherrillscannon</p>

Story Behind The Book

Imagination, arduous mental journey; fortuitous phrase, perseverance, my fascination with slanting history slightly upward


<p>~~<br /> Michael P. Amram's Agent of Orange is an expansive exploration of the intersection between history and identity. In Chauncey McClarren, Amram's protagonist, readers will discover a character made complex by the journey to discover his biological parents and the historical, ethnic mysteries of his birth. Moving through the racist school of his youth, the alienation of his return from Vietnam, and the discovery of his strange origins in Nazi Germany, McClarren struggles to find fulfillment in his relationships, and his journey toward self-understanding is as much cultural as personal. On occasion Amram deals in improbabilities (at one point McClarren foils a hijacking by throwing the terrorist out of a jet), but the larger-than-life plot suits the weighty themes of race, religion and ethnicity at the heart of the novel.</p> <p>Amram knows his material. Whether in descriptions of the culture of bodybuilding or the marine life of the Bahamas, the settings of Agent of Orange offer vivid detail and symbolic weight to the intensity of character and plot.</p> <p> </p> <p>~~</p> <p>Official Review: Agent of Orange by Michael P Amram</p> <p>Post Number:#1  Postby ipekbunsal » 06 Aug 2014, 13:24</p> <p>[Following is the official OnlineBookClub.org review of &quot;Agent of Orange&quot; by Michael P Amram.]</p> <p><br /><br /> Agent of Orange is a fiction novel written by Michael P Amram. It is about a black man who has problems because of his ethnicity and does not know his actual identity. He joins the army because he has nothing else in his life. When he gets back, fate makes him look for his biological parents. So, his journey begins.</p> <p>Since it is a fiction book, only historical informations in the book are real, other events and characters are made up by the writer himself. What is great about the book is you can learn things you did not know before and see how they perfectly evolved in the story.</p> <p>The story includes so many themes in it. War, racism, commitment, God and fate… It is about what wars turn people into, how racism differs in the other parts of the world, what is religions’ place in a little child’s life. But the most evident theme of the story was ‘’Fate’’. Whatever happens in the story, our main character always thinks it is fate that what makes him go through what he goes through.</p> <p>It is not only about a man who’s looking for his parents, but it is also about a man who discovers new things in his life. Corporal Chauncy T. McClarren comes back from war in one piece, however his friend Harrold returns disabled. War changes all of them, Harrold returns as a paranoid, fat guy who drinks all the time. Chauncy wants to go find his real parents. After a little help from a gypsy our character starts a search to find them. He has a fugitive girlfriend out of nowhere and more and more characters add to the story. That actually makes this story better, with rich characters and rich themes, it becomes a very enjoyable adventure.</p> <p>My favorite character of the story is Lizzy Spaarkes, whom I hated at the beginning. I think she uses Chauncy to get away with what she has done in the past. Then, she becomes a different person, still herself but improved. I also loved her because she seems to be a tough woman who knows how to stand on her feet. In fact, Michael P Amram puts many strong women in his book which makes me enjoy it more. He does not depict women as vulnerable creatures, but strong ones.</p> <p>I give this book 3 out of 4 stars. I love the characters, I love the story, I love how writer puts many meanings under the story. The only thing that bugs me is that it feels like the most important thing in the book is not the story. I got distracted when there was other irrelevant stories in the book. I thought ‘’Why did he write that?’’ and could not connect it with the general point.</p> <p>After all, it is a perfect book if you would enjoy going to America, Germany, France, the Bahamas in 1980’s without even getting up from your chair!</p> <p>***<br /> And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”<br /> ― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist<br /> User avatar<br /> ipekbunsal  Posts: 166Joined: 26 Jul 2014, 15:24Location: Turkey<br />  <br /> Top</p> <p>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />  </p> <p><br />  <br />  </p>