Martin Roy Hill

Martin Roy Hill


Martin Roy Hill is the author of the military mystery thriller, "The Killing Depths," and the award-winning short story collection, "DUTY: Suspense and Mystery Stories from the Cold War and Beyond."

Martin spent more than 20 years as a staff reporter and editor for newspapers and magazines, before becoming a military analyst specializing in battlefield medical operations for the Navy. His freelance credits include Reader's Digest, LIFE, Newsweek, Omni, American History, Coast Guard Magazine, Retired Officer Magazine, the Los Angeles Times Sunday Opinion Section, and many more.

Much of Martin's freelance work involves historical topics, especially military history. He was a lead contributor to the 1995 WWII anthology, "From Pearl Harbor to Nagasaki: America at War," published by the Retired Officer Association (now called the Military Officer Association. He was also a contributor to the 2013 Civil War anthology, "Gettysburg: Three Days that Saved the United States."

Martin's short stories have appeared in such publications as Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine, Alt Hist: The Magazine of Historical Fiction and Alternate History, Plan B Mystery Anthology, San Diego Magazine, and San Diego Writer's Monthly. His first book, "DUTY," was named the Best Short Story Anthology/Collection during the 2013 San Diego Book Awards (SDBA). "The Killing Depths" was also named a finalist for the SDBA Sisters In Crime Mystery Award.

Demon Seekers: The Journey Begins

Demon Seekers: The Journey Begins

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<p>Sayetta is an archangel who has been sent into the physical world to seek out eight archangels who have been reborn into the world. She knows that she cannot do it in the form of an angel so she takes on a human form to move through among us in the physical world. Gabe a mortal has the soul of a warrior angel. He is reborn in physical form to prepare for her coming. He is born with abilities that he is unaware he has.</p><p>All of his life Gabe had been having dreams of a ruined church. He never knew the name of the church, but the dream was always the same. In the dream, he was standing facing the ruins of the church. But he didn’t look like a human. Instead, he was an angel with pure white wings and a golden countenance. Another much larger angel appeared to him. The angel pointed towards what was left of the door and said “Enter, your journey has just begun and your guide awaits you.</p><p>Sayetta finds out from Archangel Michael that Lucifer has sent an old demon to find and stop Auriel from removing the demons he has imprisoned in the earth.</p><p>They receive a little help from the Archangels Azuriel and Gabriel as they journey to locate Auriel. It’s a race to find Auriel before the demon does. In the end, it’s a battle between two powerful beings, one good and one evil.</p>

Story Behind The Book
