Belinda Vasquez Garcia

Belinda Vasquez Garcia


Belinda Vasquez Garcia is the author of the award-winning magical series, the LAND OF ENCHANTMENT TRILOGY. In 2013 and 2014, the books won 4 Best Fantasy Awards and a Books Into Movies Award.


RETURN OF THE BONES won Best Historical Fiction for the 2013 New Mexico / Arizona Book Awards. For the 2014 International Latino Book Awards, the novel has won Best Historical Fiction, Best eBook and Best Audio Book.


In her own words:


I breathe life into my characters just so that you may read their story. My goal is to entertain and touch you by making you laugh, cry, get angry, i.e. go through the emotional experience that makes us all human and by doing so, humanize my characters.


I know the pain of an impoverished upbringing, dysfunctional family, and other obstacles life threw in my way but still, I triumphed. Even though I was left without parents at the age of 16, I sometimes stumbled, but still managed to put myself though college, receiving a Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics.


What makes me tick? Because of my dysfunctional upbringing, I am a broken clock, yet keep perfect time.


I have a strong Native American influence from my youth. This old Native American with skin like leather, used to visit my dad and they'd sit around the table, smoke and drink. He wore a bandana around his iron-grey hair, with a braid falling to the middle of his back. He wore whiskey-stained khakis, a colorful Native American shirt and high-top tennis shoes. My dad would sputter words of drunken wisdom and the old man would grunt. He'd then wobble drunkenly to the end of our street where he worked as a live-in summer gardner for my aunt. He perspired in a one-room shed with a cot for a bed.


I was born in the Los Angeles area but have family in Manhattan and visit often. My love of New York City motivated me to write I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU.


If you wish to know more about me, I have a memoir in ebook form THE BIGAMIST & THE WOMANIZER, Memoirs of My Father.


I thank you for any interest in me and my books.

A King Under Siege: Book One of The Plantagenet Legacy

A King Under Siege: Book One of The Plantagenet Legacy

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<p>Richard II found himself under siege not once, but twice in his minority. Crowned king at age ten, he was only fourteen when the Peasants' Revolt terrorized London. But he proved himself every bit the Plantagenet successor, facing Wat Tyler and the rebels when all seemed lost. Alas, his triumph was short-lived, and for the next ten years he struggled to assert himself against his uncles and increasingly hostile nobles. Just like in the days of his great-grandfather Edward II, vengeful magnates strove to separate him from his friends and advisors, and even threatened to depose him if he refused to do their bidding. The Lords Appellant, as they came to be known, purged the royal household with the help of the Merciless Parliament. They murdered his closest allies, leaving the King alone and defenseless. He would never forget his humiliation at the hands of his subjects. Richard's inability to protect his adherents would haunt him for the rest of his life, and he vowed that next time, retribution would be his.</p>

Story Behind The Book

I stumbled upon a black and white picture of a Native American girl standing between her mother and aunt. The haunted eyes of the young witch were intriguing. I came up with the idea of a half-breed girl being forced to follow in her mother's magical footsteps and join the family business, so to speak, which is one of the themes in The Witch Narratives Reincarnation. Salia is a 3rd-generation witch, stuck between her grandmother and mother forcing her to do their bidding. Of course, every story needs danger for the heroine. For centuries, there has been a religious, fanatical group in New Mexico and Spain, called the Penitentes. They are a secret brotherhood who whip their backs and crucify a member for Easter. My own grandfather was a Penitente. In the trilogy, the Penitentes want to bring back the Spanish Inquisition to New Mexico, a darkly Catholic force who once hunted witches in New Mexico and Europe for several centuries. I needed a coven for my series and grew up on tales of La Llorona, the centuries-old, legendary witch. She is known throughout the Americas by tens of millions of people. She is the “Weeping Ghost” who haunts ditches, rivers, oceans, lakes, and drainage ditches. La Llorona, which means “The Crier”, has been seen and heard by thousands in different countries in the Americas, including me. I chose La Llorona as the mother of the Sisterhood of the Black Rose covens. My family really believed in witches. My grandparents once attended an outdoor dance on a ranch when they were young. Some witches showed up, angry they were not invited to the party. My grandparents witnessed the witches rise in the air to a small canyon. The witches then spit and cussed at the partygoers. My grandmother used to cut my older brother’s hair and then burn the cuttings so no witches would get his hair and harm him using image magic. My younger brother’s best friend claimed he saw his grandmother flash into a fireball, which is what some Southwest witches do, just like the witches in my trilogy.


<p>“WHEN A NOVEL CAPTURES YOU—when you are entranced enough to stay up late reading and then dream your way into the story after you fall asleep—it’s usually due to that mysterious writer’s alchemy of plot, pacing, prose, and character. You can’t stop wondering what’s going to happen next, so you can’t stop turning the pages. Some writers have the ability to make every character, even the most minor background player, come alive, adding a visceral level to the reading experience. In <em>The Witch Narratives Reincarnatio</em>n, Belinda Vasquez Garcia breathes life into the people of Madrid, New Mexico, in the 1920s and ‘30s, in the days before the mine shut down, when members of the Penitente brotherhood held sway over public opinion and policy and witches were a dark force to be feared by even the most devout Catholic.”—<strong><em>Santa Fe New Mexican Pasa Tiempo Magazine</em> </strong>7/27th issue - <a href="">read the full review here</a> (spoiler alert!)</p> <p> </p> <p>“Reincarnation brings history and magic to life.”—<strong><em>Albuquerque The Magazine</em> </strong>August issue - <a href="">read the 3-page feature here</a></p> <p> </p> <p>“Garcia fascinates readers with her literary magic.”—<strong><em>Las Cruces Bulletin</em></strong><em> - </em><a href=""><em>read the full article here </em></a></p> <p> </p> <p>“A fabulous story packed with detail that feels both fresh and authentic. The world the author creates is rich, lush and scary; supernatural fans will certainly appreciate the copious worldbuilding that went into this novel. With a killer twist near the end and supernatural folklore that feels grounded in reality, Garcia’s title is fluid and well-paced, never taking the audience’s attention for granted. Through family deaths, personal suffering and even a few romantic encounters, the intertwining tales of Marcelina and Salia become incredibly riveting, even moving. The characters are both born into worlds that don’t understand them and, despite mistakes along the way, there is much they both need and learn from one another.”—<strong><em>Kirkus Reviews</em></strong><em> - </em><a href=""><em>read the full article here </em></a><em>(spoiler alert!) </em></p> <p> </p> <p>“Family deaths, romance, and conflict come to a head in this first book of a powerful trilogy that holds all the elements of gripping supernatural fiction at its finest.”--<a href=""><em>California Bookwatch June 2012 issue </em></a></p> <p> </p> <p>“The Witch Narratives Reincarnation” is a strong addition to fiction collections with religious tones.”--<a href=""><em> Reviewer's Bookwatch Sept 2012 issue (scroll down)</em></a></p>