Jay Plemons

Jay Plemons


Jay Plemons’ life is nothing short of ordinary. From an aspiring chef, carpenter, educator, musician, husband, and father, nothing ever seems too busy when adding yet another hat into the mix as a fiction novelist. With a degree in music business, and a minor in English from Middle Tennessee State University, the aspirations to continue his journey in the arts, has followed Jay to write the Last Light Falling series, which has not only touched on some of his personal experiences, but has also helped him further explore the heightened convictions of faith. Though his first love is music, writing has profoundly changed the way he expresses himself to others, which has recently impacted his son to follow in those same emotional footsteps. When Jay isn't drumming, writing is his cure to life's distractions.

 Jay's only philosophy is to enjoy whatever time you can whenever you can, with whoever you can, because the uncertainties that tomorrow may bring will have a profound impact on how you give your time today. If we could all just stop for a moment and enjoy the little things in life that make the big things worthwhile, our troubles would all seem inconsequential.  ​

Love Triangles: Discovering Jesus the Jew in Today's Israel

Love Triangles: Discovering Jesus the Jew in Today's Israel

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<p>A Jewish woman’s unconventional quest to find Jesus in modern Israel<br /><br />With candor and an intimate knowledge of the Land and its people, Bobbie Ann Cole takes you on some intriguing time travel, such as to the ceremonial slaughtering of Passover lambs in the nearby temple as Jesus died on the cross.<br />Her moving and compellingly-written personal story of making Aliyah to Israel with her husband, Butch effectively interweaves Israel’s ancient and modern history with biblical references. She reveals the challenges that have faced Jewish believers from Peter and Paul on down to the present day, including her own. The underlying antagonism of her beloved Israel towards Messianic Jews leaves her sneaking around, keeping her true identity secret.<br />A blend of memoir, travelogue, historical document and investigative journalism, Love Triangles<br />is not about theological principals; it's about love.<br />Discover:<br />• How Jesus used Jewish festivals to underscore His message.<br />• The story of Jesus’ Bar Mitzvah.<br />• Why Jewish atheists may move to Israel but not believer Jews.<br />• Why Judaism rejects Jesus as Messiah.</p>

Story Behind The Book

Last Light Falling was originally planned to be a comic book series, but it was quickly shelved when I realized two years ago how much I had written about the back-story of the characters. It only seemed natural to try and write it into a novel. I had no idea that I would be creating a four book series. Now that I've almost completed book III, I have decided to bring the series back into the comic book world. I'm currently negotiating a deal with an amazing artist working for Marvel, to recreate this epic story into a world of linear expressive art. This first person narrative is told through the eyes of fifteen year old Arena Power, who has been struggling to let go of the tragic loss of her parents when she was nine. Though it often haunts her, she manages to keep a small emotional distance from the jaded past and tries to embrace the comforts of her foster family and her twin brother, Gabriel, when she can. Descendants of Irish vigilantes, both Arena and Gabriel have been chosen to carry on a small legacy through their bloodlines to which they have been hidden from. But if they are to survive in a world brewing with relentless war, they must accept their fate and continue a covenant that was started by their grandfather, Connor McManus—one of the original Boondock Saints. Though it's not easy living in a period of history we cannot fathom today, Arena, like many others left on earth didn't ask to be born into a world where tragedy has become a common reality. Her destiny lies beyond the last days. Instead of driving too heavily on the big story, I've tried focusing more on the main character, hoping that the layers of the plot will gradually unfold until the last book. This is very much a character driven story and focuses on the raw emotions this young girl has had to endure, but it also uncovers the layers of common struggles we see in our lives today. Whether or not it's aimed to prod into controversy or provoke questions rather than answers, this series has led me to shed more light on my own convictions. So, if you're looking for zombies to take over the world in this apocalyptic series, then don't read my novels, because you won't find it, except for maybe a cultural reference from time to time. I tried hard to go against the grain when writing this series hoping to extinguish every apocalyptic cliché and typical publishing writing structure and or standard that's expected. Writing is an art, not a template for cookie-cutter stories and characters. My characters are actually based on my own children, names and personalities. My nine year old daughter is so close to Arena, it makes me feel sorry for any guy that dates her. If you truly want to get inside my head, then you must read this story because much of it is based on my personal experiences. I won't tell you what is real or what is embellished, and you really don't want to know.
