Vincent Panettiere

Vincent Panettiere


The long and winding road to this moment began as a sports writer for a wire service and Boston daily; meandered through executive positions at CBS and Fox with a foray into writing and selling several unproduced film scripts. Inexplicably  I became a literary agent representing writers and directors for TV and film. My frustration with the system led me to search for financing for my clients. Many unexpected developments on that journey resulted in "The Internet Financing Illusion", my first book (now on Kindle). Am currently marketing two novels, with two more half finished.  Stay tuned.

Fatal Rivalry: Part Three of The Last Great Saxon Earls

Fatal Rivalry: Part Three of The Last Great Saxon Earls

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<p>In 1066, the rivalry between two brothers brought England to its knees. When Duke William of Normandy landed at Pevensey on September 28, 1066, no one was there to resist him. King Harold Godwineson was in the north, fighting his brother Tostig and a fierce Viking invasion. How could this have happened? Why would Tostig turn traitor to wreak revenge on his brother?<br />The Sons of Godwine were not always enemies. It took a massive Northumbrian uprising to tear them apart, making Tostig an exile and Harold his sworn enemy. And when 1066 came to an end, all the Godwinesons were dead except one: Wulfnoth, hostage in Normandy. For two generations, Godwine and his sons were a mighty force, but their power faded away as the Anglo-Saxon era came to a close.</p>

Story Behind The Book

A story in the New York times in the late 1970s became the germ of an idea for a film script. The script was not sold and I turned the story into a novel.


<p>NA - too early</p>