Carrie Cross

Carrie Cross


Carrie Cross is an avid reader who fell in love with books as a little girl after reading Goodnight Moon. She wrote her first "book" at age four: Blackie the Little Black Dog and the Flying Washing Machine. Carrie discovered her love of mysteries reading Nancy Drew books and The Happy Hollisters series, and after writing THE MYSTERY OF SHADOW HILLS, she continues to look for clues in unexpected places to this day.

Carrie Cross's influences include Judy Blume, Deb Caletti, Sarah Dessen, and Lee Child. In addition to writing Skylar Robbins mysteries and reading, Carrie loves to cook, hike at the beach, go boating, and travel.

New Moon Rising

New Moon Rising

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The Pacific Plate is one of the most geological active areas in the world, and the site of constant volcanic and earthquake activity.  The Ring of Fire, in the Pacific Ocean, will soon escalate its impact on mankind.  Two brothers, one a geologist and one a surfer are at the center of and event that will change the Earth, forever.

Story Behind The Book

"When I was six years old, my parents decided we needed to buy a bigger house. We looked at a creepy two-story in Santa Monica Canyon, and I played hide-and-seek with the little girl who lived there. There were closets and secret hiding places with doors that opened into other rooms. Later, I wondered, "What if there was a clue hidden in one of those closets?" And the idea for the Skylar Robbins mystery series was born.


<p> </p> <div style="margin-bottom:.5em;"><span style="margin-right:5px;"><span class="swSprite s_star_5_0" title="5.0 out of 5 stars"><span>5.0 out of 5 stars</span></span> </span> <span style="vertical-align:middle;"><b>A great mystery for young adult readers</b>, April 17, 2014</span></div> <div style="margin-bottom:.5em;"> <div> <div style="float:left;">By </div> <div style="float:left;"><a href=""><span style="font-weight:bold;">Kristen Mott</span></a> - <a href=";sort_by=MostRecentReview">See all my reviews</a></div> </div> <div style="clear:both;"> </div> </div> <div class="tiny" style="margin-bottom:.5em;"><span class="crVerifiedStripe"><b class="h3color tiny" style="margin-right:.5em;">Verified Purchase</b><span class="tiny verifyWhatsThis">(<a href="">What's this?</a>)</span></span></div> <div class="tiny" style="margin-bottom:.5em;"><b><span class="h3color tiny">This review is from: </span><a href="">Skylar Robbins: The Mystery of Shadow Hills (Skylar Robbins Mysteries) (Paperback)</a></b></div> <div class="reviewText">This book, though meant for a younger audience, kept me wanting to read more. There was mystery, suspense and a slew of relatable characters. The plot twists and ending were unexpected and exciting. It is a great choice for young adult readers.</div> <div class="reviewText"> </div> <div class="reviewText"> <div style="margin-bottom:.5em;"><span style="margin-right:5px;"><span class="swSprite s_star_5_0" title="5.0 out of 5 stars"><span>5.0 out of 5 stars</span></span> </span> <span style="vertical-align:middle;"><b>A Book that assists in lessons, communication, and building memories for our family!</b>, November 25, 2013</span></div> <div style="margin-bottom:.5em;"> <div> <div style="float:left;">By </div> <div style="float:left;"><a href=""><span style="font-weight:bold;">C.J. Wilkes &quot;Cindy Wilkerson&quot;</span></a> (Lynwood, Washington) - <a href=";sort_by=MostRecentReview">See all my reviews</a></div> </div> <div style="clear:both;"> </div> </div> <div class="tiny" style="margin-bottom:.5em;"><span class="crVerifiedStripe"><b class="h3color tiny" style="margin-right:.5em;">Verified Purchase</b><span class="tiny verifyWhatsThis">(<a href="">What's this?</a>)</span></span></div> <div class="tiny" style="margin-bottom:.5em;"><b><span class="h3color tiny">This review is from: </span><a href="">Skylar Robbins: The Mystery of Shadow Hills (Skylar Robbins Mysteries) (Paperback)</a></b></div> <div class="reviewText">Just finished reading Skylar Robbins: The Mystery of Shadow Hills to my 5 children. by Carrie Cross<br /> I love that there was inspiration to do activities with the family. We took the time to make amulets - or necklaces from rocks we searched for. We are planning some fun art projects too.<br /> I also love that the book took a turn into a positive lesson that I would want to teach my kids anyway. We were able to stop after reading the book and discuss what we learned about friendship and deciphering what a true friend is or is not. My children learned something about following fads as well. All wonderful lessons that I as a mother often wonder how I will be able to reach my children and teach in a way that they would &quot;get&quot;. This way we were able to do it together as a family all while building our own communications skills.<br /><br /> This book is rated 5 stars by me and the kids :) Thank you Carrie! We are looking forward to reading your future adventures!!!</div> </div>