J.S. Patterson

J.S. Patterson


J.S. Patterson obtained an out-of-the-ordinary array of experiences from travels around the world. Growing up in South Africa on a secluded plot, he and his family eventually made the averse decision to leave their home. The corrupted political powers and unsafe conditions forced the Pattersons to immigrate to the Czech Republic and start life anew. Several years later, after having become acquainted with the culture and lifestyle of the Slavic society, he decided that it was time to make another move, this time to a country closer to his roots. Canada was the next logical choice. With a status of international student, he secured a life in the province of Alberta.
In all his travels and experiences gained, he soon realised that he had a unique occurrence in his life, one which needed to be voiced. Ever since childhood, the author had been inspired by nightly dreams and frequent nightmares. He finally decided to sooth the active subconscious by putting its yearning to-be-heard on paper, as one continuous motion. The Mural Chronicles are a conglomerate of such dreams and nightmares that the subconscious brought to life. Some, who had heard and read the stories, said these to be visions and predictions to be. Others said these to be depictions like that on a mural of inimitable thoughts and controversies.
This chronicle offers a bird's eye view into the mind of the author. It is for the reader to decide if it is a work of fiction or vision.

Destiny's Purpose

Destiny's Purpose

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This books provides information and strategies for those who are seeking to discover more about their purpose and destiny in life. Each chapter includes  practical and inspirational ideas that are designed to help its readers to to identify and effectively engage in purposeful living.

Story Behind The Book

South Africa, a country rich in many natural resources, has a problem keeping its mineral wealth safe. In order to protect their rich supply of gold and until there is an increased investment demand for the yellow metal; the government decides to build the biggest vault in the world in the most unusual place, a cave called the Elephant’s Eye. The most suitable man to be in charge of this project is William Tyler, known to most as just ‘Tyler’. He is gifted and tough like well-tanned leather. Being an ex-special forces soldier and having Master’s degrees in Mechanical and Civil engineering, he is a brilliant strategist and has proven it time and again. However, his abilities are about to be tested. At the same time Madeline, a doctor specializing in TB research, comes into Tyler’s life. Her research, however, brings her suddenly in grave danger and risks everybody else’s life who tries to protect her. In order to find the reason why she is being hunted, Tyler consults his buddy from the Czech Special Forces. The trail leads them to Russia where they have to deal with a biological terrorist and one of the world’s most notorious assassins. The world is at risk of the biggest plague ever. It has already spread to all developing countries; and through migration, it is spreading to all developed nations of the world. The solution lies in Tyler’s hands and he must succeed! He has to fight to keep the woman he loves out of the clutches of a ruthless killer and help her find a cure for the plague to save the world.


<p>~~A summary can in no way prepare the reader for the tension that builds inexorably in this tense thriller. Yes, there is time for some light moments and some romantic moments, but the story, once started drives itself to a fascinating denouement. Ulma Kellerman may be an unfamiliar name at present, but should she follow her bliss we will be hearing much more about her. <strong>Grady Harp, August 14</strong></p> <p> </p> <p>~~As an expat from South Africa, I could not put down this contemporary thriller set in the land of my birth which I know so well. The author, also a native of South Africa, is uniquely placed to write about her homeland, its people, their customs and the distinctive English spoken there.</p> <p>This exciting tale was at the same time a nostalgic trip 'back home' for me. However, the plot holds a great deal more than mere nostalgia - and I am sure will enthral readers of all nationalities with its intrigue, suspense and very believable and likeable characters, realistic South African dialogue and the well-researched contemporary medical and political issues involved.</p> <p>The events that Tyler, Madeline, their friends and families experience are very real and probable in the current political and global climate of corruption and the search for wealth at all costs. Madeline, a dedicated medical researcher, is a counterbalance to the evil, proving that there is indeed hope for humanity and some people who care.</p> <p>Without revealing too much about the plot, I urge all lovers of contemporary thrillers to read &quot;Covert Ops&quot;. If you are like me, the characters will live in your memory long after reading the last page. You will also learn something about life in present-day South Africa, as well as enjoy an exciting visit to the Czech Republic and Russia.</p> <p>I eagerly await the sequel of &quot;Covert Ops&quot; to learn what transpires in the lives of these very real people<strong> - PEARL HARRIS AUG 2014</strong></p>