Shelique Lize

Shelique Lize


Author of my first novel, Velicious which is sadistically & irresistibly, delicious! Upcoming book Forsaken, Feb 6th 2015.

I'm a stay at home mother. I like to write about vampires, supernatural and mythological beings. I have a crazy mind from when I was young and been writting ever since then. I love cheese pizze and I'm an Aries.

Friends in High Places

Friends in High Places

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<p>FRIENDS IN HIGH PLACES<br /><br />At barely nineteen, Angelica Donovan became one of the more successful winners of the T.V. show Our Next Super Model. The world assumed she was destined for a happy, fairy tale life as ‘Angel,’ the beautiful girl who was living the dream; sadly, that wasn’t to be the case. As the years passed, she flashed her million dollar smile to all her fans and fought to stay on top in a profession where you never knew who it was safe to trust while the fashion industry took big bites out of her heart and soul. And trust was a constant challenge for Angel due to the painful childhood secret she guarded as carefully as she did her heart. As a result, she never did find her true love on earth.<br /><br />When she wakes up ‘dead’ from a heart condition a month before her thirty-fifth birthday, Angel is at first relieved to find there is no death, just a change of state, like ice to water, and then she’s scared because her biggest and most important adventure is about to begin.<br /><br />Angelica is chosen to be an angel in training as a spirit guide for three souls on earth! Her assignment is to help two women to gain the courage and confidence to find, recognize and embrace the love that had eluded Angel in life. But her biggest challenge will be to save a very special little girl from the same evil experience that had poisoned Angel’s own earthly happiness and altered the course of her life.<br /><br />Will Angel be able to heal her own shattered soul in the process? And will the three souls she is guiding be able to recognize her, not as a ghostly threat, but as one of those ‘friends in high places’ we all have; the kind who often end up earning their wings.<br /><br /> </p>

Story Behind The Book


<p><span class="gry valignMiddle"><span class="inlineblock txtsmall">Amazon, August 18, 2014- </span></span>This is a great book. It is so gripping and intense I could not stop reading until it ended. It had strong characters and they worked so well for this story. Justice is a fighter that is for sure. The detailing is immense and chilling and sent me into the world of the vamps. It is filled with mystery, terror and bonds of family and friendships that are tested to the limit. Who will survive the darkness? It is written well and easy to read and stay with. I had goose bumps more than once and thoroughly enjoyed this read. Shelique Lize has a wild imagination and a deep mind. I would love to see more of her work. I recommend this book to everyone who loves a good vampire book.</p> <p>Goodreads, Aug 22nd- <span class="readable"><span>&quot;Velicious&quot; isn't your average paranormal teen romance novel; it's a little bit dark, a little bit dangerous, steeped in intensity and utterly compelling. Shelique Lize takes readers on an unforgettable journey as Justice Morel finds herself caught up in the underbelly of the paranormal world as dark secrets come to light and her attraction to a mysterious vampyre draws her farther down the rabbit hole. The writing is lush, addictive, emotionally charged, seductive, engaging and fast-paced. The author certainly aimed to impress with this evocative novel that bounces from provocative romance to gritty paranormal tale. Overall, this was an entertaining read that left me eager to see what else Shelique Lize writes next.</span></span></p> <p>Goodreads, Aug 24, 2014- <span class="readable"><span>I've read many books about vampires and some are done well and some not so much. This one is the former. The dialogue is for grownups and the plot sophisticated with intricate characters.<br /> Without sounding to cliche-ish it really is a page turner.<br /><br /> There is no filler like some authors tend to do or repetitive plotlines.<br /> The cadence of the pacing of the storyline is almost rhythmic, another reason you'll have a hard time putting it down. The imagery at times is graphic which is not over the top but rather enhances the story and captivates the reader. The ending caught me by surprise which is a good thing.It was not what I was predicting.</span></span></p> <p>Amazon, Aug 28th, 2014- I was completely captivated by Justice's story in this unique vampire tale. There are so many extra layers and the whole world and mythology felt really fleshed out. It allows the reader to keep going deeper and get totally involved in the book. Justice is a great character and there's a really nice balance between worldly concerns and the more supernatural, which is handled really well. The pace is great, never a dull moment - hardly even a moment to catch your breath. I'm glad to see it's termed &quot;book one&quot; because I'd love to read more and I think Shelique Vize is one to watch out for.</p> <p> </p>