Patrick Ferrer

Patrick Ferrer


Je suis, depuis mon plus jeune âge, atteint d'un mal incurable qui m'empêche de vivre sans avoir un livre à portée de main. De préférence un vieux truc poussiéreux qui parle de royaumes lointains, d'univers parallèles et de choses qui n'existent pas dans notre monde, ou alors il y a très longtemps. Du coup, j'ai toujours vécu entouré de livres. Viré de l'école pour rêvasseries, j'ai été bouquiniste, employé de librairie, travaillé dans l'édition. Aujourd'hui, j'écris. J'aimerais faire des trucs sérieux mais mes personnages préfèrent explorer la face cachée du réel, traquer les criminels et se mettre dans des situations inextricables dont j'ai parfois du mal à les extirper. Pour suivre mes mésaventures, abonnez-vous à mon blog Mezaventures.

My Little Angel Coloring Book

My Little Angel Coloring Book

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<p>Does your child have a Guardian Angel?</p><p>Share a day in the life of a little girl whose tiny guardian angel named Angela sits on her shoulder to keep the child safe and guide her through the day.</p><p>Her activities include getting the girl ready for school, crossing the street, being polite and kind to friends, learning her lessons, fastening her seatbelt while traveling, being aware of stranger-danger, praying for her pets, and reminding her constantly that she is loved.</p><p>Once again social values are emphasized in this latest illustrated children's coloring book by award-winning author Sherrill S. Cannon. This is the author's third rhyming children's coloring book.</p><p>Meet many classroom friends from the author's previous books, as My Little Angel Angela guides this child throughout her day.</p><p>The author says, &quot;This book is dedicated to our oldest son, who lost his battle with cancer in August 2021. He is my Special Angel.&quot;</p><p><strong>About The Author:</strong> Sherrill S. Cannon is the author of 10 award-winning children's books that have won nearly 100 awards (and counting), including Santa's Birthday Gift, Peter and the Whimper-Whineys, The Magic Word, Gimme-Jimmy, Manner-Man, My Fingerpaint Masterpiece, Mice &amp; Spiders &amp; Webs...Oh My!, The Golden Rule, My Little Angel and David's ADHD, as well as two award-winning poetry books, A Penny for Your Thoughts, and A Dime is a Sign. Her other two coloring books are Peter and the Whimper-Whineys Coloring Book and The Golden Rule Coloring Book. She is also a playwright, with seven published and internationally performed plays for elementary school children. A former teacher, the author's goal in each of her books is to teach good manners as well as caring for others.</p>

Story Behind The Book
