Rick Blaisdell

Rick Blaisdell



                                                        About the Author:

     Rick was born in New Hampshire and moved to Vermont at the age of 6 months, and has been a lifetime Vermont resident for most of his life.  After graduating from high school in June 1964, he enlisted in the US Air Force, serving in Texas, Georgia, and Germany.  He was honorably discharged in 1968 and served two more years in the Air Force Reserves.  In brief, his life after the military took a turn toward playing in several rock bands, (he was a drummer), drugs, and alcohol.  This lifestyle continued for another 13 years until God supernaturally intervened in Rick’s life.  In  his recently published book One Life to Give,  Rick shares in more depth of his life with the intent of showing the reader how powerfully God can and will change a person’s life if he or she is willing.

     Rick was saved on March 21st, 1983 and instantly delivered from 13 years of drug and alcohol addictions through the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  In Rick’s own words, “It was also the same gospel that forgave me of all my sins through the Blood of Jesus, and all bitterness, hatred, and unforgiveness in my heart left immediately as well. Right after my salvation experience, I had, and still do, have a fire of desire to see others saved and set free by the same gospel which saved me.”

     Rick and his wife Faith are the co-founders of Renewed Life in Jesus Church which was established in 1986 in Rockingham, Vermont.  He was ordained into the ministry on November 18th 1990 and served as the co-pastor until April 1998. He became the senior pastor then and still serves today in that capacity. His heart's desire is to see people from all walks of life, with all kinds of problems and issues, sicknesses and diseases brought willingly to the Cross of Christ for healing, deliverance and restoration.  Through Renewed Life in Jesus Church, Rick is and always has been very much involved with supporting missionaries and sending missionaries nearly every year since 1991, (including himself), into foreign countries including Eastern Europe, Kenya Africa, the Philippines, and India.

Destiny's Purpose

Destiny's Purpose

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This books provides information and strategies for those who are seeking to discover more about their purpose and destiny in life. Each chapter includes  practical and inspirational ideas that are designed to help its readers to to identify and effectively engage in purposeful living.

Story Behind The Book

Rick Blaisdell’s new book, One Life to Give, ($29.99, paperback, 9781498423816; $9.99, e-book, 9781498423823) exists for those who are sincerely looking for hope and purpose in their lives. It is a living testimony of what God can do with a life given to Him in faith. The author’s experiences prove that God opens the door, and makes the seemingly impossible, possible. In addition to the detailed journal entries, which provide vivid details of Rick’s mission trips, the book is comprised of original color photos, maps, countless testimonies of salvation, transformation, miracles and signs, and more. “There are many without hope and direction living among us in this present time,” states the author. “They rise in the morning, and wonder if there is anything worth living for. We, as believers, know this is true. We also know that our God is the source of real and lasting peace, hope, and a quality of life that we never knew was possible.” Rick Blaisdell has personally experienced the miracle of the new birth in Christ. This book is an eyewitness account of twenty years bringing the same life-changing gospel to the multitudes of people in seven foreign nations. Fifteen separate short-term missions journeys are written into this book. Each chapter is a day-by-day account of what the author saw and experienced. It is written to give the reader a remarkable and inspirational inside look at how powerfully God still works His miracles today. The author shares, “I have seen His love, mercy, and compassion poured out upon the most destitute and hopeless. God has not changed.”


<div> </div> <div> <p style="margin:8px 0px;padding:0px;border:0px;font-family:'Droid Sans', sans-serif, Helvetica, Arial;font-size:12.8000001907349px;line-height:1.6em;vertical-align:baseline;color:rgb(100,75,45);background-color:rgb(245,243,240);">I had the privilege of reading the first edition of Rick Blaisdell’s, One Life to Give, several months ago. My enthusiasm was engaged right away by Michelle L.’s forward note and testimony, and Rick’s recounting of his early years in the preface, provided powerful evidence of the power of God to transform lives. I will say, and other readers might experience this also, that after reading through the chronicles of the first several mission trips to Eastern Europe, Africa, South India, and the Philippines, that my enthusiasm began to flag a bit (not for his work but for the actual reading of the book). However, at this point I found myself being swept up in the enormity of what was being accomplished on these mission trips. He and his team have been harvesting countless precious souls for eternity. And most of those reached have been existing in lifelong conditions of abject poverty, hunger, inadequate shelter and clothing, often terrible , unimaginable abuse, and certainly fear and hopelessness. Imagine what the message of the Gospel means to them! Ultimately this is not a book about Rick Blaisdell, but rather a testament to what God can do through a humble man of giant and unwavering faith, even now in the 21st century. It is a reminder that the only limitations on God’s power in the world are those WE place on Him. I highly recommend this book. The expanded and updated edition is wonderful.<br style="margin:0px;" /><br style="margin:0px;" /> Glenn Cordner,<br style="margin:0px;" /> Former Hospital Chief Executive Officer</p>   <p style="margin:8px 0px;padding:0px;border:0px;font-family:'Droid Sans', sans-serif, Helvetica, Arial;font-size:12.8000001907349px;line-height:1.6em;vertical-align:baseline;color:rgb(100,75,45);background-color:rgb(245,243,240);">The improvements made in the rewriting of this novel were remarkable. I think the new book now captures the reality of it all and how the author becomes who God wants him to be. I could feel the experiences and appreciated the history of the journey. Everything seemed to jump out in detail and is an excellent rewrite to an already awesome book. <br style="margin:0px;" /><br style="margin:0px;" /> Lorraine D.</p>   <p style="margin:8px 0px;padding:0px;border:0px;font-family:'Droid Sans', sans-serif, Helvetica, Arial;font-size:12.8000001907349px;line-height:1.6em;vertical-align:baseline;color:rgb(100,75,45);background-color:rgb(245,243,240);">I was captured by Rick’s testimony of his life before he received Jesus Christ into his heart and the immediate, supernatural transformation of Rick’s life and his purpose for living. May you quickly discern from Rick’s testimony, the singularity of Jesus Christ and His all-encompassing, all powerful, all encouraging, eternal love towards and for us. It is this love, the love of Jesus Christ, which leads Rick into ministry, first at home then locally. When the doors of international ministry opened, Rick responds with a heart filled with thanksgiving, obedience and a desire to be used by the Lord. May you discern, through Rick’s journal like style of writing, that mission’s work is not an act of work. It is not about putting on another “hat” or changing one’s character to do something different, but missions is responding to God’s expression of unchanging love through a willing vessel. This book is not about the act nor the logistics of mission’s work, this is not about the “number” of people that Rick ministered to. It is about the “One” he ministered to. Each chapter retelling of supernatural events, healings, and deliverances will serve to encourage you in your walk with Jesus and in the ministry field he has equipped you to operate.<br style="margin:0px;" /><br style="margin:0px;" /> Thomas Travers, The Power Station <a href="http://www.stationpower.com/" style="margin:0px;padding:0px;border:0px;font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit;font-style:inherit;font-variant:inherit;font-weight:inherit;line-height:inherit;vertical-align:baseline;color:rgb(240,138,20);">http://www.stationpower.com</a></p>   <p style="margin:8px 0px;padding:0px;border:0px;font-family:'Droid Sans', sans-serif, Helvetica, Arial;font-size:12.8000001907349px;line-height:1.6em;vertical-align:baseline;color:rgb(100,75,45);background-color:rgb(245,243,240);">Rick shows so much clarity in his walk with God. This is what I feel and hear from this wonderful book. We can only hope to receive healing and be able to pass it on to others. It welcomes you with open arms and lets you come as you are, broken or whole. Let us believe in the faith that Jesus Christ teaches us in the bible, as Rick has shown us by example in his own life. Through the power of prayer, I was healed from a critical illness. Because of a miracle in my own life, I have been born again. We are all in need of some good news…this book is the good news. Read and rejoice. Psalm 63:7 says, “Because you have been my help, therefore in the shadows of your wings, I will rejoice”.<br style="margin:0px;" /><br style="margin:0px;" /> Mary H.</p>   <p style="margin:8px 0px;padding:0px;border:0px;font-family:'Droid Sans', sans-serif, Helvetica, Arial;font-size:12.8000001907349px;line-height:1.6em;vertical-align:baseline;color:rgb(100,75,45);background-color:rgb(245,243,240);">Honest book, journey of the true pilgrimage! Original report of faith that works by love! Galatians 5:6. <br style="margin:0px;" /><br style="margin:0px;" /> Pastor Sharad Nirmal</p> </div>