Kristen Watterson

Kristen Watterson


Kristen Watterson has been a professional graphic designer and illustrator since 1999.  An artist from a young age, writing books was always one of her dreams.  She started drawing characters and writing story fragments as a young girl growing up in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Kristen married her husband in college at ORU.  Her career has been verried, but always revolving around art in some way.  She was a certified teacher (teaching junior high art and high school biology) and she has been the Creative Director at a successful marketing firm.  Currently, she freelances graphic design and illustration as she continues to write books.  She is a nerd to the core and enjoys scifi books and movies, coffee and tea, knitting, reading, drawing, and painting.  Kristen and her husband are pastors in full-time ministry and have two daughters.  
In 2014, Kristen had complications during pregnancy which led to the birth of a baby girl, Suzie, at 23 weeks gestation.  Suzie was perfect in every way, other than being born way too early.  She only weighed 1.6 pounds.  The doctors and nurses were amazed at how well she was doing – she hardly needed breathing assistance, even for someone of that small size and developmental age.  
Suzie lived for 18 days.  She would have lived longer because nothing was wrong with her, but she contracted an infection and being so small, she simply wasn’t able to overcome.  
Suzie was a miracle.  Even though she only lived a short time, she was a testiment to the miracle of life.  A perfect picture of God’s divine design.  What is amazes Kristen the most, is that some states allow abortions of babies at the age Suzie was when she was born.  It’s astonishing that some people would believe the lie that an unborn baby is just a mass of cells – something not alive.  Suzie was very much alive.  There was no question, even despite the circumstances of her extremely early birth, that she was a perfectly formed living baby girl.
Kristen, having suffered two miscarriages and the loss of a living child, is passionate about proclaiming the value of unborn life.

Along The Watchtower

Along The Watchtower

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<p><strong><em>A tragic warrior lost in two worlds... Which one will he choose?</em></strong></p><p>The war in Iraq ended for Freddie when an IED explosion left his mind and body shattered. Once a skilled gamer as well as a capable soldier, he's now a broken warrior, emerging from a medically induced coma to discover he's inhabiting two separate realities.</p><p>The first is his waking world of pain, family trials, and remorse—and slow rehabilitation through the tender care of Becky, his physical therapist. The second is a dark fantasy realm of quests, demons, and magic, which Freddie enters when he sleeps. The lines soon blur for Freddie, not just caught between two worlds, but lost within himself.</p><p>Is he Lieutenant Freddie Williams, a leader of men, a proud officer in the US Army who has suffered such egregious injury and loss? Or is he Frederick, Prince of Stormwind, who must make sense of his horrific visions in order to save his embattled kingdom from the monstrous Horde, his only solace the beautiful gardener, Rebecca, whose gentle words calm the storms in his soul.</p><p>In the conscious world, the severely wounded vet faces a strangely similar and equally perilous mission to that of the prince—a journey along a dark road, haunted by demons of guilt and memory. Can he let patient, loving Becky into his damaged and shuttered heart? It may be his only way back from Hell.</p>

Story Behind The Book


<div class="page" title="Page 186"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p><span style="font-size:12pt;font-family:MyriadPro;">“More creativity on a single page than in the last fifty novels I read combined. Kristen Watterson is showing us the future of storytelling.” — William Bernhardt, National Bestselling Author </span></p> <p> </p> <div class="page" title="Page 186"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p><span style="font-size:12pt;font-family:MyriadPro;">“In a word: Whoa!! I finished the book and absolutely loved everything about it!” — Elizabeth Wyke, Award Winning Author </span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>