Obsidian Eagle

Obsidian Eagle


Obsidian Eagle is a pen name for an Indie author who wrote The Soma Tantra to spread spiritual knowledge and respect for all belief systems. It is a work of High Fiction filled with epic action, mythic figures and comic camp. It comprises Book I of The Lunacy Trilogy.

Its successor: A Codex For Gnostics - Cosmic Comedy Writ In The Zone of Malkuth is more closely aligned with the Mystic Kabbalah, Thelema, and Zoroastrianism. It is officially Book II of The Lunacy Trilogy.

Rest assured, Book III: Tome of The Sixth Sun - A Cosmic Dramady is in the works!

In the meantime, check out the author's website to get a load of his AntiPoetic writings.

Godwine Kingmaker: Part One of The Last Great Saxon Earls

Godwine Kingmaker: Part One of The Last Great Saxon Earls

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<p><span><span>Harold Godwineson, the Last Anglo-Saxon King, owed everything to his father. Who was this Godwine, first Earl of Wessex and known as the Kingmaker? Was he an unscrupulous schemer, using King and Witan to gain power? Or was he the greatest of all Saxon Earls, protector of the English against the hated Normans? The answer depends on who you ask. He was befriended by the Danes, raised up by Canute the Great, given an Earldom and a wife from the highest Danish ranks. He sired nine children, among them four Earls, a Queen and a future King. Along with his power came a struggle to keep his enemies at bay, and Godwine's best efforts were brought down by the misdeeds of his eldest son Swegn. Although he became father-in-law to a reluctant Edward the Confessor, his fortunes dwindled as the Normans gained prominence at court. Driven into exile, Godwine regathered his forces and came back even stronger, only to discover that his second son Harold was destined to surpass him in renown and glory.</span></span></p>

Story Behind The Book

It actually all began with a dream unlike any other: There was a city at the end of the universe. A security guard who monitored people's thoughts there made sure that none of the laws of thinking were broken. However, one night there was a large banquet at the royal palace, where a small child was in attendance. Before dinner began, all the public officials focused on the androgynous youngster when it started asking some unusually deep questions. There is no memory left of those questions, except that each one drew surprised gasps from all the guests. The guards in the surveillance tower could do nothing to stop an influx of unregulated ideas. As the youth asked a third question, everything within the dream dissolved into an ocean of emotion! Amid said ocean, everyone could feel everybody else's feelings. Therein was found great pain, unspeakable pleasure, forgiveness, and universal understanding. Afterward, the dream seemed to resume, but the thought police from the tower had lost their power. They were no longer necessary. People would run randomly into each other throughout countless conceptual corridors, stare into one another's eyes and at the same time say: "I have seen The Hieros Gamos!" The writer awoke with bittersweet tears of joy flowing forth from his eyes. After several false starts, he settled on Hindu Mythology as the vehicle to deliver the message received in the depths of that Akashic dream. That's where The Soma Tantra really came from, and if you read carefully enough, you'll tap into its source as well . . . PS: It's also worth mentioning that the author had viewed an Anime called 'Dead Leaves' the night before having this highly unusual dream.


<p>From <ins>Ben Lachini</ins> (Obsidian's first fan):</p> <div class="post-message"> <p><strong>The Soma Tantra</strong> is a modern day Epic Poem in a class akin to <em>The Epic of Gilgamesh</em> and Homer's <em>Iliad</em> / <em>Odyssey</em>. Very few such works have poured out from our collective unconscious throughout history and even fewer are available nowadays, but this is truly a masterpiece crafted by an exceptional Storyteller and Poet.</p> <p>In today's world and specifically in the Western hemisphere, here is a diamond in the rough that has yet to capture the popular imagination. Unfortunately, it may never do so, since the spirit of this gift has been traditionally reserved for those who possess a certain degree of discernment and interest in esoteric topics.</p> <p>It's highly recommended for students of philosophy and spiritual seekers who'd like to raise their level of consciousness while simultaneously enjoying a superb tale. This story touches upon and elevates all the tendencies, proclivities, and conditions (<em>Sanskaras</em>) that make up us human entities (which should increase your focus regardless of what path you find yourself on). What's more, it will probably make you roar with laughter at key points calculated by its witty author. Who knows? Maybe you'll even fall IN LOVE with The Soma Tantra's subtle beauty as it familiarizes you with major figures of Hindu Mythology!</p> </div>