Natasha Carmon

Natasha Carmon





Natasha Carmon is a graduate of Trousdale County High School in Hartsville, Tn. and was nominated Who’s Who among American High School Students. After high school, she went straight into the work force to earn a living and within the past ten years of her life, changes in her health gave her the idea to step out on faith and try something new.

 She had an inclination to write her life story which delves into personal tragedies in her young life as well as humorous accounts and an in depth dream sent from the Father himself to help her as well as everyone in a time of crisis. It is important that her story is told because God sends a message and she trusts that she is the messenger.  She is a woman of faith and believes that God intends for us to have happiness here on Earth.

She currently resides in Louisville, Ky. as a single mother of one, and when she isn’t writing, she is spending much needed time with her daughter. She believes in giving back and feels that what you give out you receive whether good or bad.

Her first book released under pinkangelpublications, Poisonous Crimes of Passion, is available on for sale right now for $.99!! Be on the lookout for Red Carma’s self titled memoir, if you’re thirsty for the tea, because it is being spilled all over the pages. Connect with Red and like her fan page at

A Shadow in Yucatan

A Shadow in Yucatan

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<p>A mythical jewel of a story… A true story told on a beach in Yucatan, A Shadow tells Stephanie's story but it was also the story of the golden time. Its nostalgia sings like cicadas in the heat.</p><p>An American ‘Under Milkwood’, this distilled novel of the Sixties evokes the sounds, music and optimism on the free-wheelin streets and parks of Coconut Grove. You can hear Bob Dylan still strumming acoustic; smoke a joint with Fred Neil; and Everybody’s Talkin is carried on the wind.</p><p>Stephanie, a young hairdresser living in lodgings finds herself pregnant. Refused help from her hard Catholic mother in New York, unable to abort her baby, she accepts the kindness of Miriam, her Jewish landlady, whose own barren life spills into compassionate assistance for the daughter she never had.</p><p>The poignancy of its ending, its generosity and acceptance, echoes the bitter disappointment of those of us who hoped for so much more, but who remember its joy, and its promise, as though untarnished by time.</p>

Story Behind The Book
