Several years ago I discovered that the secret to success (for anything) lies in the power of our mind, and if we are genuinely going to make lasting changes it has to happen at the subconscious level, literally from the inside out. It was my desire for change that led me to leave Corporate America and re-invent my life by becoming trained in the energy healing techniques I use today. These include EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) PSYCH-K, and The Emotion Code. Since 2005 I have had a private stress management practice in Ft. Collins, CO that focuses on helping others resolve emotional issues, release negative behavior patterns, and reverse false beliefs that are limiting and sabotaging their lives. Although I work with all issues, my specialties include improving self esteem and helping people recover from abusive childhoods and relationships. My most recent publication is an in-depth workbook intended for people in recovery who have already been through substance abuse therapy or have spent time participating in 12-step programs. .