Mercedes Rochelle

Mercedes Rochelle


I write Historical Fiction about 11th Century Britain. Come witness the tumultuous events surrounding the Viking Invasion with Canute the Great and his heirs. Visit late Anglo-Saxon England with Earl Godwine, Harold Godwineson, and King Edward the Confessor; see Macbeth's and Malcolm III's Scotland, and watch events unfold leading to the Battle of Hastings and the Norman Conquest..

Betrayal (Alex and Cassidy) (Volume 2)

Betrayal (Alex and Cassidy) (Volume 2)

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<p>There is no one to trust in Nancy Ann Healy’s thrilling new novel, <i>Betrayal</i>.</p><p>FBI agent Alex Toles is relieved to return to work at the NSA after a frightening on-the-job ordeal. Her life partner, Cassidy O’Brien, and Cassidy’s seven-year-old son, have also been instrumental in healing Alex’s wounds.</p><p>But their peace is short-lived when they discover that their good friend—and President of the United States—John Merrow, has been assassinated.</p><p>Little do they know, however, that President Merrow’s death is just the beginning. Even as Alex and Cassidy are forced to confront the loss of their friend and the ramifications that will have on the global stage, they must cope with problems much closer to home.</p><p>Battling intolerance over the nature of their romantic relationship and long-hidden secrets within their families, Alex and Cassidy must confront the truth of their pasts in order to build the future they seek.</p><p>On top of it all, they must confront a conspiracy that spans multiple governments, intelligence agencies, diplomatic services, and international corporations if they are to finally discover the truth about the mysterious group known as the Collaborative—and about themselves.</p>

Story Behind The Book

King James I was a great witch hunter, and considered himself an expert on the subject. So why would Shakespeare write a play about witches setting up his ancestor, so to speak? At face value, it doesn't seem to make sense. However, a closer look at Holinshed gives us an alternative: "the common opinion was, that these women were either the weird sisters, that is (as ye would say) the goddesses of destiny, or else some nymphs or fairies imbued with knowledge of prophesy." Well, that is something altogether different! The word "weird" has its origins in the Saxon word wyrd meaning fate, or personal destiny. Some even attribute the first modern use of the word "weird" to Shakespeare. If you look at the Weird Sisters from the Scandinavian point of view, the word wyrd translates to Urd, one of the Norns of mythology who controlled the destiny of mankind. Presumably that would be more palatable than agents of the devil. If we were to accept that the Witches were actually the Norns, their presence makes more sense to me. Like the Greek Fates, their will was thought to be unalterable. The Norns are said to appear at the bedside of a newborn and shape the child’s future. Hence they appear several times in my novel; their heavy guiding hand is never entirely far away. Although modern scholars tend to believe that Banquo and his heirs never really existed, if their genealogy is good enough for Shakespeare, it's good enough for me!
