Felix Timothy

Felix Timothy


The earliest I remember ever writing something that stirred emotions was way back in my sixth grad when I wrote an essay,part of a test and my English teacher made me re-write it. He was convinced I'd plagiarized the essay. Can you believe that!!!!

For the record - I hadn't!

I don't really remember what the essay was about,but I can imagine how riveting my story must have been.

I tried serious writing in high school,actually wrote a couple random articles, but ridicule from classmates tore me down. I actually got to the mid of two books! But didn't complete...

By this time, I'd become hooked on suspense thrillers from Sidney Sheldon (his "Doomsday Conspiracy," will be  my all timefavorite), Steve Martini, Robert Ludlum, John Grisham (I looooved his-"The Partner"), Jeff Abbott, Robert Ludlum ("The Borne Series")  of course among others. But, it  was after completing college that I decided to really get down to it.

I really must thank a former hostel-mate - Kioko, for my first drafts of Ionshaker that I began writing in 2007. When I secretly started writing the story, he read the first draft chapters despite the many typos, inconsistencies and a lot more. But all the same he was thrilled. I can't explain the effect of his addiction to my story had on me. And soon he spread the word around and many friends also read it. 

I finished the story, but getting a publisher......... was another bad, bad, bad nightmare Just ask any writer, they'll tell you...

Anyways, Ionshaker
has been released, first as a kindle ebook and you can read the first chapter for free.

My experience so far has been that,  writing is like a drug, you start with a page, then a chapter, then a book, then without knowing you're on the next. As a matter of fact my second thriller TERROR ALERT is already finished and has got a couple of good reviews.

Just one last thing before you go, read the first chapter of Ionshaker for free on this website.

Santa's Birthday Gift

Santa's Birthday Gift

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<p><span style="color:#000000;line-height:115%;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';font-size:10pt;">Santa’s Birthday Gift was written in response to a grandchild’s question, after reading the story of the Nativity.<span>  </span>She asked, “But where’s Santa?”<span>  </span>This story tells the story of the Nativity and then goes on to tell the story about how when Jesus is born, Santa sees the star at the North Pole and travels to see the baby.  Since he is a toymaker, he brings his bag of toys - and offers them to the Christ Child, and then to all the people of the town.  His birthday gift to Jesus is a promise to bring gifts to all good boys and girls each year on the Christ Child's birthday</span></p>

Story Behind The Book
