JAnn Bowers

JAnn Bowers


JAnn is Double Decker Books award-winning poet and member of Double Decker Books. JAnn is a regular poet for Double the Books Magazine. KayCee K is her daughter, manager, cover, artist, a graphic artist who is also the Chief of Editor for Double the Books Magazine and owner of Double Decker Books. JAnn was voted poet of the year 2015 & 2016 by Double Decker Books under her previous pen name Jeniann Bowers. JAnn has also had poetry published on the following literacy sites: Micropoetry, Scriggler, High on Poems, and SpillWords.

JAnn enjoys writing poetry for all ages, however, her poetry mostly pertains to love, spiritual, inspirational, and her life issues present and past. JAnn's life has been far from being easy she has been through tragic events and a stressful marriage that has left her body broken down. She is a disabled mom of four who lives each day with chronic pain and mental illness. She turns her experiences and strength into words on the screen hoping to help someone facing the same battles. JAnn has two adult daughters, one adult son and an 11-year-old Autistic son. JAnn is a proud mother and grandmother of two.

JAnn grew up in a small town in Northwestern Montana. JAnn has traveled to 25 different states in the USA plus Canada, and the Yukon. JAnn has a deep love and connection to nature through meditation. JAnn enjoys yoga and listening to the 80's music scene. JAnn is a serious coffee addict and she believes the power of the pen should not be tampered with

The Usurper King (The Plantagenet Legacy Book 3)

The Usurper King (The Plantagenet Legacy Book 3)

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<p><span style="color:rgb(15,17,17);font-family:'Amazon Ember', Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;">First, he led his own uprising. Then he captured a forsaken king. Henry had no intention of taking the crown for himself; it was given to him by popular acclaim. Alas, it didn't take long to realize that that having the kingship was much less rewarding than striving for it. Only three months after his coronation, Henry IV had to face a rebellion led by Richard's disgruntled favorites. Repressive measures led to more discontent. His own supporters turned against him, demanding more than he could give. The haughty Percies precipitated the Battle of Shrewsbury which nearly cost him the throne—and his life.</span><br style="color:rgb(15,17,17);font-family:'Amazon Ember', Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;" /><span style="color:rgb(15,17,17);font-family:'Amazon Ember', Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;">To make matters worse, even after Richard II's funeral, the deposed monarch was rumored to be in Scotland, planning his return. The king just wouldn't stay down and malcontents wanted him back.</span></p>

Story Behind The Book

This book of poems was written in binges while I was writing my novella, “It’s Now My Time: Coffee, Poetry & The Past.” As I wrote my novella, I had to take time and binge write poetry to keep my head in place while I wrote about terrifying events in my life. This book is an ending result of my pain and agony as I wrote. Some of the poems have a sense of love, but also with a hidden atmosphere of a broken girl searching for life in general.


<p> 5 out of 5 stars I enjoyed the verses and wish many blessings to this talented ...<br /> By Amazon Customer on August 1, 2017<br /> Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase<br /> Touching poetry on about every subject. I enjoyed the verses and wish many blessings to this talented author.</p>