Mary Lynn

Mary Lynn


Since I was old enough to hold a pencil and put it to paper, I have written. Words, stories and places come to me as old friends, whispering to me of possibilities and story lines. Characters, ethereal figures who tell me of their lives, hopes, dreams and fears, are as real to me as my own children. They wake me in the night, tug at my coat on the street, sit beside me in the car and beg me to chronicle their stories and I listen. 

The stories I write are real life situations. Though they are fictional, they are never made up. Tough, gritty and raw, life is full of pain, sorrow and heartache, yet it is also rich with beauty and it is the stories of people overcoming the worst they encounter that inspires me to create. I enjoy learning about history, any form of history, whether very personal or an event that has shaped a country. I have learned over the years to pay attention to the world around me and by doing so, I have been fortunate enough to glean touching stories to write about. 

I am a mother of three grown children who have blessed me with four granddaughters. I reside in Northern Illinois with my husband, two cats, Bailey Reginald and Chester Obadiah and our two birds, Georg and Liesl.

The Accursed King

The Accursed King

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<p><span style="color:rgb(15,17,17);font-family:'Amazon Ember', Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;">What happens when a king loses his prowess? The day Henry IV could finally declare he had vanquished his enemies, he threw it all away with an infamous deed. No English king had executed an archbishop before. And divine judgment was quick to follow. Many thought he was struck with leprosy—God's greatest punishment for sinners. From that point on, Henry's health was cursed and he fought doggedly on as his body continued to betray him—reducing this once great warrior to an invalid. Fortunately for England, his heir was ready and eager to take over. But Henry wasn't willing to relinquish what he had worked so hard to preserve. No one was going to take away his royal prerogative—not even Prince Hal. But Henry didn't count on Hal's dauntless nature, which threatened to tear the royal family apart.</span></p>

Story Behind The Book

Delia traded her boring life in Savannah, Georgia for the bright lights and big city excitement of New York before the ink is barely dry on her high school diploma and she has no intention of ever looking back, that is, until Oliver calls. Your mother has passed, Delia. Your father needs you. She hung up the phone and cried over a mother she barely knew. Now, it's up to her to care for a father she loathes in a place she vowed never to return to. Little does she know she will soon face the truth of her mother's past, a truth with the potential to destroy everything she thought she knew about life as the daughter of Greyson James Reddick IV and his cold, distant wife, Charlotte Ann.
