Erin Thornton

Erin Thornton


Erin Thornton for the past 13 years has been a mom first. Now with 6 kids she felt like she’d lost her own identity. She no longer had a first name and was always someone’s mom or her husband’s wife. It became very discouraging.

Erin has been telling stories since she was a kid. Her mom always told her to write her stories down, but she just rolled her eyes and moved on. As an adult instead of reading a book for bedtime story or on a long drive she would tell a made up story to her kids. Keeping them captivated sometimes for hours. Some of them were amazing works of fiction and fantasy. Others were awful and her kids still remember their insanity to this day. She wasn’t afraid to take the stories to their most abstract point just to get a laugh from her kids.

Instead of letting her identity crisis overtake her, last summer Erin decided to write a novel. A story that was for her, not for her kids.

With her days spent on 100 acres with chickens and kids that act like the chickens most days, Erin writes whenever she can get a spare moment. Between musical practices, sports and just plain mom life to distract her she tries to get in her words for the day with Disney Princess movies in the background or when her youngest deems a nap is a worthy use of her time.

All jokes aside, Erin Thornton is a true writer at heart. This won’t be the last book she writes. The stories in her head are always screaming to get out. The only way to free her mind is to put them on paper.


The Daughter of the Sea and the Sky

The Daughter of the Sea and the Sky

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<p><em style="color:rgb(24,24,24);font-family:Georgia, serif;font-size:13.63636302947998px;line-height:17.563634872436523px;">After centuries of religiously motivated war, the world has been split in two. Now the Blessed Lands are ruled by pure faith, while in the Republic, reason is the guiding light—two different realms, kept apart and at peace by a treaty and an ocean.</em><br style="color:rgb(24,24,24);font-family:Georgia, serif;font-size:13.63636302947998px;line-height:17.563634872436523px;" /><br style="color:rgb(24,24,24);font-family:Georgia, serif;font-size:13.63636302947998px;line-height:17.563634872436523px;" /><span style="color:rgb(24,24,24);font-family:Georgia, serif;font-size:13.63636302947998px;line-height:17.563634872436523px;">Children of the Republic, Helena and Jason were inseparable in their youth, until fate sent them down different paths. Grief and duty sidetracked Helena’s plans, and Jason came to detest the hollowness of his ambitions.</span><br style="color:rgb(24,24,24);font-family:Georgia, serif;font-size:13.63636302947998px;line-height:17.563634872436523px;" /><br style="color:rgb(24,24,24);font-family:Georgia, serif;font-size:13.63636302947998px;line-height:17.563634872436523px;" /><span style="color:rgb(24,24,24);font-family:Georgia, serif;font-size:13.63636302947998px;line-height:17.563634872436523px;">These two damaged souls are reunited when a tiny boat from the Blessed Lands crashes onto the rocks near Helena’s home after an impossible journey across the forbidden ocean. On board is a single passenger, a nine-year-old girl named Kailani, who calls herself “the Daughter of the Sea and the Sky.” A new and perilous purpose binds Jason and Helena together again, as they vow to protect the lost innocent from the wrath of the authorities, no matter the risk to their future and freedom.</span><br style="color:rgb(24,24,24);font-family:Georgia, serif;font-size:13.63636302947998px;line-height:17.563634872436523px;" /><br style="color:rgb(24,24,24);font-family:Georgia, serif;font-size:13.63636302947998px;line-height:17.563634872436523px;" /><span style="color:rgb(24,24,24);font-family:Georgia, serif;font-size:13.63636302947998px;line-height:17.563634872436523px;">But is the mysterious child simply a troubled little girl longing to return home? Or is she a powerful prophet sent to unravel the fabric of a godless Republic, as the outlaw leader of an illegal religious sect would have them believe? Whatever the answer, it will change them all forever… and perhaps their world as well.</span></p>

Story Behind The Book

We’ve all been there…dating life *Insert eyeroll here*! This was likely not a good experience for anyone if you’ve had to go on more than say….5 dates in your life. Who wants to put themselves through that without cause? Then again, who wants to be alone all their lives. The dilemma of all time… Sam has to make this choice herself over and over and over again. Join Sam on her dating adventures from HELL! She is determined to persevere and conquer all, no matter what it takes. She has to endure dirty Frenchmen, Elvis impersonators, age discrepancies, blind dates (from her mom) and so So SO much more! This book is laugh out loud funny and will leave you in stitches. Then for the drinkers among us (you know who you are) this book comes with the opportunity to drink right along with Sam on her dates of epic proportion. FUN FACT- This may change your reading experience for the better (or worse). These dates weren’t some crazy concoction of the voices in my head. They either happened to me, friends of mine or actual real-life stories passed on to me. I won’t share which are mine (but know I’ve had my fair share of dates from Hades himself).
