Cheryl Meyer

Cheryl Meyer


Fatal Rivalry: Part Three of The Last Great Saxon Earls

Fatal Rivalry: Part Three of The Last Great Saxon Earls

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<p>In 1066, the rivalry between two brothers brought England to its knees. When Duke William of Normandy landed at Pevensey on September 28, 1066, no one was there to resist him. King Harold Godwineson was in the north, fighting his brother Tostig and a fierce Viking invasion. How could this have happened? Why would Tostig turn traitor to wreak revenge on his brother?<br />The Sons of Godwine were not always enemies. It took a massive Northumbrian uprising to tear them apart, making Tostig an exile and Harold his sworn enemy. And when 1066 came to an end, all the Godwinesons were dead except one: Wulfnoth, hostage in Normandy. For two generations, Godwine and his sons were a mighty force, but their power faded away as the Anglo-Saxon era came to a close.</p>

Story Behind The Book

It is never too late to start making health-conscious choices. Take care of your body and teach your child to follow your example so that you all have a happy place to live. Both of my books are available at They are also both available on Amazon. Looking for the magic pill in the time of the Pandemic I understand that you are scared that your body will not be able to resist the virus. I understand that you terrified that your family might get this disease. Are you already immune vulnerable? How frustrating it is to feel lousy all the time and have pain and be scared. And now, in this time, are you losing hope that there is a solution? Imagine finding the “magic” pill that will erase your misery and keep you and your loved ones safe. Imagine feeling great and knowing that you are living a life that best protects you and your family. Imagine not worrying anymore about your health. Is there a magic pill? It is not a pharmaceutical. It is not an over the counter drug. Protect your body and your family by implementing the tips in a new book Feeling Good Living Low Toxin in Community and Everyday Life. Boost your immune system today so that you and your family have a healthy defense system and feel great. What creates health? You will discover that Its eating whole organic foods of all the colors of the rainbow and you will learn why. Its eliminating processed and fast foods from your diet. Whether you cook at home, go out to restaurants, go to friends or family’s homes, or travel, its staying true to low toxin real food and a low toxin life. This book will show you how. It is lowering your stress with short exercises and finding joy through gratitude. Its practicing daily self-care. It is raising healthy children in a country where over 50% have chronic illness. It is keeping them safe from disease. Its discovering how to be a great pet guardian in a toxic world. Try my tips for 90 days and feel the difference. Health must start with healthy habits. Utilizing these tips will allow your body to return to feeling good and then to celebrate. As you learn to listen to your body, it will make implementing these tips so worthwhile. And living a healthy life solves a multitude of health issues and gives your body a strong foundation to thrive. These tips will boost your defense system and keep you, your children and your pets healthy. If you have a chronic illness, incorporating healthy habits will be a giant step towards wellness. Implementing these tips will fortify you and your family against pandemic diseases and chronic illnesses. And best of all, you will start to feel great again. Do you want to grow old with dementia and illness and pain, or do you want to thrive until the end? These tips will allow you to grow old with grace and to prosper. I have a chronic illness, and these are all keys to health that I discovered and implemented to return to health. My first book, It Feels Good to Feel Good, Learn to Eliminate Toxins, Reduce Inflammation and Feel Great Again pulls the curtain open and exposes where all the toxins that are ruining our health exist and what to replace them with. That book has won 14 awards. But living low toxin is more complicated. We do not live in an isolated bubble; we live in a community. We do not choose the ingredients used in restaurants, and we want to enjoy socializing with friends and family who are still eating the Standard American Diet. We travel and have choices for food that we did not prepare and do not control. Feeling Good, Living Low Toxin in Everyday Life gives you the blueprint to maintain a healthy life.


<div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-12"> <p>Reviewed By Tammy Ruggles for Readers’ Favorite</p> <p>Feeling Good by Cheryl Meyer is the perfect immunity booster for our times. With everyone concerned about Covid-19 and staying healthy in times of virus and anxiety, award-winning Meyer brings us a comprehensive guide to not only fighting viruses and staying healthy but actually PREVENTING some illnesses and maximizing wellness by boosting our immunity. The idea is that food is our best medicine, and that prevention is key. The answer lies in nature's medicine cabinet--food. Food is rich in vitamins, minerals, and other healthy nutrients that our bodies and minds need to thrive. Instead of focusing on treatment found over the counter or in a prescription, this book focuses on prevention, with an emphasis on organic, natural food, the importance of de-stressing, and care for others--including children, pets, and loved ones.<br /><br /> Feeling Good by Cheryl Meyer is a virtual treasure trove of vital information on health, food, and nutrition that we desperately need today. So many have forgotten, or have never heard, the simple medical fact that a strong immune system acts as a shield against some viruses, sickness, and disease; and that this shield is made of food like protein, vegetables, fruit, nuts, and grains. Nutritious food is all around us, and when we can't get it in food, we can turn to supplements. Backed by science and keeping a sense of community, family, and positive mental health in mind, Meyer lays out the information you need to strengthen your immune system.<br /><br /> As you read her very palatable, easily digestible advice and personal anecdotes, you will come to appreciate the value of fresh, healthy food, and how it benefits our bodies and minds. The bulleted lists and illustrations also make the information accessible. One part I particularly like is the section where the author explains how to eat healthily in restaurants, which isn't always easy to do. Another part I like is the information she provides on toxins and how to rid our bodies of them. In a world of sickness and conflicting advice from experts from the scientific and medical fields, Feeling Good by Cheryl Meyer is one book you'll want to read today.</p> <p><strong>YOU NAILED IT ONCE AGAIN</strong></p> <p>Once again Cheryl Meyer has captured a truly educational masterpiece every reader will benefit from, enjoy and gain valuable insight into the ever-challenging world we live. In her most recent book, Feeling Good Living Low Toxin in Community and Everyday Life. Cheryl exposes the problem, provides practical solutions, executable action steps work for everyone suffering with unexplained inflammatory conditions and illnesses MUST read.  As a Naturopath with over 30k clinical hours of hands on experience helping sick people get well, Cheryl’s book is now on my MUST read list for all patients in my practice. Thank you for your amazing contribution!</p> <p>Dan Young, BCN, CNC</p> <p>AANWP/ANMCB Nationally Board-Certified Naturopath</p> <p>Clinician/Speaker/Author</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>ILLUMINATING AND PRACTICAL</strong></p> <p>This book contains a lot of useful information that is both illuminating and practical.  In today's world, it is necessary to be an informed consumer, and this book provides a great deal of useful information that can help you make better decisions when shopping.  Knowledge is power, and this book outlines simple, actionable steps you can take to improve your own health and life!</p> <p>Vincent Esposito, MS, DC</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH AND MITIGATE THE CONSEQUENCES OF DAILY TOXIC EXPOSURES</strong></p> <h3>As a functional medicine doctor, I am delighted to read a book that offers easy to use tools, to improve our health and mitigate the consequences of daily toxin exposures, with easy whole food options.  Her advice from how to deal with chronic stress- the importance of self-care, making time for nature- are critical to improving our foundations of health.  The information on how to care for our kids and pets is much needed.  This is a book I am recommending for all my patients who truly want to feel optimal. </h3> <h3>Shilpa Sayana MD</h3> <p> </p> <p> </p> </div> </div>