Cody Spencer

Cody Spencer


Hello, I am Cody Spencer. I am 13 years old, and this is my debut as an author. I hope that you find reading this book as much fun as I found writing it! Even when I was very young, I loved books, especially when they had cool pictures. My goal for this story is to teach children the valuable lesson of not making assumptions- without any of that preaching nonsense. I also wanted to make sure that anyone who reads this book gets a laugh out of it. My “rootin-tootin” cowboy story is full of humor, as I find that you learn more when you are having fun.

       Outside of reading and writing, my interests and hobbies include building with Lego bricks, drawing pictures and swimming. I am a Boy Scout and enjoy going on hikes. On sunny days, I love to ride my bike along the beach. In between adventures, I always make sure to spend time with my family and friends.

Cheers! Cody

The DarkSide of the Paranormal

The DarkSide of the Paranormal

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<p>Have you ever wondered about the dark side of the paranormal? This book contains information on demons, shadow people and negative earthbound spirits. It covers how to recognize the difference between each of these creatures, weaknesses, fears, appearances, abilities and how to get rid of them if possible. There is also information on what really works to protect you and what doesn't.</p>

Story Behind The Book

I wrote this book as part of my city’s young entrepreneurs’ program (YEA). I really love writing, so I thought a book would be a great project.
