Rebecca Fox and William Sherman

Rebecca Fox and William Sherman


Rebecca (Becky) Fox and her husband William (Bill) Sherman are the authors of the novel Measure By Measure, a romantic romp for the fabulously fat. They met at a wedding in 1982, fell first in lust and then in love, and ultimately married beneath the June skies at the Temple of the Trees in Central Illinois.

Bill and Becky embraced size acceptance together. Individually and in tandem they have authored romantic and fantasy fiction, as well as critical essays and reviews on body esteem, pop culture and critters.

During the 1990s they established a chapter of the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA) in Central Illinois, and while this endeavor lasted only three years, they both remain committed to promoting healthy body image. Since then, Becky has spoken on size acceptance to classes of college students as well as younger children.

After two many years of frigid winters, humid sweltering summers and bland soybean vistas, the couple packed up their household of books, unicorns and furry four-footed kids in 2007 and headed southwest to the Gila Valley of Arizona. There, Bill has enjoyed his role in the social services field, while Becky creates jewelry, designs graphics, and sells items on eBay for their home-based business, OakHaus Designs.

The First Book of the Gastar Series: "Act of Redemption"

The First Book of the Gastar Series: "Act of Redemption"

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The once-great city of Gastar stands in ruins following centuries of war by undead monsters driven by an evil temple.  Victory cost the people of the knowledge to defeat another enemy, Zermon, ruler of hell, who seeks to extend his realm by annihilation of the few people left.  With the help of a sympathetic ancient dragon, volunteer fighters from the past war, and the arrival of a teen assassin named Shevata who is known to Zermon, they combine efforts for the existence of the people of Gastar.

Story Behind The Book


HTML clipboard<p><em><font size="2" face="Verdana">&quot;This complex and fast-moving romantic adventure is filled with engaging, deftly rendered characters, suspense, humor, intrigue and poignancy: all the best a really good soap opera has to offer. During my savoring of the saga I lost track of the number of times I read aloud to others one of its apt insights, delightful phrasings or evocative descriptions. You may recognize people you have known (and perhaps yourselves) among its cast. I have a feeling we have not seen the last of these folks. I certainly hope not: I want to know what happens to them next! A sequel, please?&quot;</font></em></p> <p><strong><em><font size="2" face="Verdana">Michael Markwell<br /> San Francisco, CA</font></em></strong></p>