Anne R. Williams

Anne R. Williams


Anne Richardson Williams graduated in 1969 from Vanderbilt University/Peabody College with a BFA in printmaking and painting. While owning and running a conservation framers/art gallery in Nashville, Tennessee, she continued to experiment and work with many different painting and drawing media. 

Watercolor is her painting medium of choice, becauseto paraphrase J.S. Sargentshe loves the thrill of creating art in an emergency situation. She also enjoys (and teaches) Book Arts, that is, using the book as an art form and as a medium for combining interests in expressing through both visual art and the written word.

Anne’s love of writing began with a college creative writing course she took by coincidence to fulfill a graduation requirement. During this class she first dreamed of writing stories and illustrating her writing. Her love of storytelling has been nurtured through the pleasure of years of reading aloud to her son and also of learning and appreciating the cultural stories of many different aboriginal oral traditions. 

Unconventional Means: The Dream Down Under is for Anne literally a dream come true, an opportunity in her own life to experience “…the movement from dream to action that creates the world.” 

The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule

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<p>What if you treated others the way you'd like to be treated? What if everyone did that? What kind of world could there be? Robert and Kait decide to look for the golden ruler that their Mom has told them about, only to find out that she meant RULE instead of ruler. What is this &quot;Golden Rule&quot; and what does it mean? Join in the children's quest to discover how to follow the Golden Rule and share it with others, as you meet many classroom friends from the author's previous books. This is the eighth rhyming children's book by award-winning author Sherrill S. Cannon, whose other bestselling books include Mice &amp; Spiders &amp; Webs...Oh My!, My Fingerpaint Masterpiece, Manner-Man, Gimme-Jimmy, The Magic Word, Peter and the Whimper-Whineys and Santa's Birthday Gift. Former teacher Sherrill S. Cannon has won thirty-six awards for her previous rhyming books and is also the author of seven published and internationally performed plays for elementary school children. She has been called &quot;an absolute master of rhyming&quot; by Mother Daughter Book Reviews and &quot;a modern day Dr. Seuss&quot; by GMTA Review. She lives in New Hope, Pennsylvania. Now retired, she travels the country with her husband in an RV, going from coast to coast to visit their children and grandchildren, and sharing her books along the way. Publisher's website:</p>

Story Behind The Book


&quot;<strong>Anne Williams</strong> has written an intelligent, lyrical and inspirational tale about her excursion into the outbacks of Australia and of her soul. The true story of her pilgrimage is beautifully and directly told, creating a literary roadmap of trust that readers might learn how one soul navigated unconventional -- but vital -- pathways forward.&quot;<br /><br /><strong>Steven McFadden<br /></strong>author, <strong><em>Legend of the Rainbow Warriors</em></strong><br />Director, <strong>Chiron Communications</strong><br /><br /><strong>A Great Read!</strong><br /><strong><br /></strong>&quot;<strong>Anne Richardson Williams</strong> crafts a beautiful memoir and invites the reader to accompany her as she embarks upon an extraordinary journey that takes her both to Australia and her own inner knowing. In her quest to meet <strong>Lorraine Mafi-Williams</strong>, an Aboriginal Elder with whom she's never met yet feels a deep connection, Anne Williams relies on her heart and her inner wisdom as a guiding compass and is rewarded with finding not only the Australian woman she seeks and the stories she carries, but also with a fuller sense of coming home to herself. A wonderful and inspiring story!&quot;<br /><br /><strong>Ellen Frankel</strong><em><br /></em>Aurhor of <br /><em><strong>Beyond Measure: A Memoir About Short Stature &amp; Inner Growth</strong></em><br /><br /><strong>A beautiful word picture by a true artist</strong><br /><br />&quot;When you were a little girl, did you ever dream of traveling to a place you read about in a book? <strong>Anne Richardson Williams</strong> did exactly that. When she was sixteen, she read <strong><em>A Town Like Alice</em> </strong>by <strong>Nevil Shute</strong>. She was grieving her father's suicide at the time and books were her refuge. She wrote in her diary that one day she would like to visit Alice Springs, Australia, the town where the novel takes place.<br /><br />&quot;Twenty-six years later, in 1989, she found her old journal and contemplated her girlish dream, as yet unrealized. By then, Williams had been an artist and a successful businesswoman. After her divorce, she began to explore her spirituality and to meditate. One day she saw a calendar picture of Ayers Rock in the Australian desert and discovered &quot;the closest town of any size, across two hundred miles of desert, is Alice Springs.&quot; This is just the first of many serendipitous and mysterious events that bring Williams on her journey. While reading <strong>Steven McFadden</strong>'s <em><strong>Ancient Vioices, Current Affairs: The Legend of the Rainbow Warriors</strong>, </em>she sees a photograph of <strong>Lorraine Mafi-Williams</strong>, an Aboriginal elder, and believes she looks like her; she feels her a sister, even with the same last name, and decides to meet the woman. And that's where the book takes us down a path quite different from the typical woman's 'journey'....<br /><br />&quot;For anyone who is curious about Australia, this easy-to-read travel journal will be a treat. The author paints with her words a fascinating country, one most will never see....<br /><br />&quot;The author includes a bibliography and glossary of terms for those who want to investigate further this intriguing place and 'unconventional means' of following one's spiritual path.'&quot;<br /><br /><strong>Linda C. Wisniewski</strong><br />Author of<br /><strong><em>Off Kilter: A Woman's Journey to Peace with Scoliosis, Her Mother, &amp; Her Polish Heritage</em></strong>