Lynette Hedrick

Lynette Hedrick


Lynette Hedrick is an artist whose talents take many forms. Her journalism articles have been published numerous times in New Zealand’s leading Cosmetic Surgery magazine, ‘Beautiful You’, and lifestyle quarterly, ‘Eye Magazine’. When she's not running her own successful skin therapy clinic, she relaxes with her other life-long artistic passion, painting. Her work commands high prices and has a loyal following. Having just completed her first crime/thriller, Broken Wings, she is currently hard at work on a romantic suspense set during WW2 in the South Pacific.

A King Under Siege

A King Under Siege

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<p><span style="color:rgb(15,17,17);font-family:'Amazon Ember', Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;">Richard II found himself under siege not once, but twice in his minority. Crowned king at age ten, he was only fourteen when the Peasants' Revolt terrorized London. But he proved himself every bit the Plantagenet successor, facing Wat Tyler and the rebels when all seemed lost. Alas, his triumph was short-lived, and for the next ten years he struggled to assert himself against his uncles and increasingly hostile nobles. Just like in the days of his great-grandfather Edward II, vengeful magnates strove to separate him from his friends and advisors, and even threatened to depose him if he refused to do their bidding. The Lords Appellant, as they came to be known, purged the royal household with the help of the Merciless Parliament. They murdered his closest allies, leaving the King alone and defenseless. He would never forget his humiliation at the hands of his subjects. Richard's inability to protect his adherents would haunt him for the rest of his life, and he vowed that next time, retribution would be his.</span><br /><span class="a-text-bold" style="color:rgb(15,17,17);font-family:'Amazon Ember', Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:700;">B.R.A.G. Medallion honoree!</span></p>

Story Behind The Book

Broken Wings, like many novels, is based very loosely on inspirations from true events.


<p style="margin:0cm 0cm 10pt;" class="MsoNormal"><strong><span style="line-height:115%;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';color:#333333;font-size:9pt;" lang="en" xml:lang="en">Review by: </span></strong><span style="line-height:115%;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';color:#333333;font-size:9pt;" lang="en" xml:lang="en">Diana Tormey on Jul. 21, 2009 : </span><span style="line-height:115%;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';color:#333333;font-size:9pt;"></span><span style="line-height:115%;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';color:#333333;font-size:9pt;" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><br />Now here is a pacey story. Intrigue, betrayal, and ultimately resolution. Alison jettisons a life of hurt and disappointment. It is a roller coaster ride, with some sharp set-backs ahead to thwart her hopes. <br />The cover picture, painted by the writer, portrays Alison. Often impulsive, sometimes confused, she retains her elegance, poise and vivaciousness. <br />Lynette's first novel gives us a taste of more excitement ahead, with her next book.<br /><br /><strong><span style="font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';">Review by: </span></strong>Nat Kyle on Jun. 11, 2009 : </span><span style="line-height:115%;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';color:#333333;font-size:9pt;"></span><span style="line-height:115%;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';color:#333333;font-size:9pt;" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><br />Well done to the author this is an amazing story with lots of twists and adventures. A must read for all women in the world that think they can't escape from thier cage or the monkey that tried to put them in it!!<br />I also sat up till the small hours of the morning to finish it so I could pass it on to a friend that I new would benefit and grow from it. <br />Once again well done.<br />Natalie Kyle<br />Educator/ Danne Montague King Skincare NZ<br /><br /><strong><span style="font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';">Review by: </span></strong>Leanne on Jun. 09, 2009 : </span><span style="line-height:115%;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';color:#333333;font-size:9pt;"></span><span style="line-height:115%;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';color:#333333;font-size:9pt;" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><br />A talented author and artist - a book that is hard to put down once started. As other reviewers have commented, the author has the fantastic ability for setting details of a scene as well as description of characters.<br />I can not wait for the next book....<br /><br /><strong><span style="font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';">Review by: </span></strong>Lizz McEneaney on Jun. 08, 2009 : </span><span style="line-height:115%;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';color:#333333;font-size:9pt;"></span><span style="line-height:115%;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';color:#333333;font-size:9pt;" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><br />Brilliant read! An excellent combination of mystery and crime across two countries. The author depicts both the scenery and her characters with great care and detail. This is a good modern story about a woman's plight against the odds. Once you pick it up you'll find it hard to put down.<br /><br /><strong><span style="font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';">Review by: </span></strong>Maureen Spencer on May. 18, 2009 : </span><span style="line-height:115%;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';color:#333333;font-size:9pt;"></span><span style="line-height:115%;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';color:#333333;font-size:9pt;" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><br />I really enjoyed this book set in New Zealand. It's well written, the story moves at a fast pace and illustrates how a persons life can progress very quickly from bad to terrible. A good read I recomend it.<br />Maureen Spencer<br />Writer<br /><br /><strong><span style="font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';">Review by: </span></strong>Daphne McKenzie on May. 08, 2009 : </span><span style="line-height:115%;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';color:#333333;font-size:9pt;"></span><span style="line-height:115%;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';color:#333333;font-size:9pt;" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><br />An awesome book. Very hard to put down when you start reading as the book is truly sensational.<br />Lynette has great imagination and so nice she has set the scene in Christchurch, New Zealand, our beautiful Country.<br /><br /><strong><span style="font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';">Review by: </span></strong>Seattle Reader on Apr. 26, 2009 : </span><span style="line-height:115%;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';color:#333333;font-size:9pt;"></span><span style="line-height:115%;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';color:#333333;font-size:9pt;" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><br />Readers will quickly notice the author’s talent for setting details of a scene. An enviable ability. It is an area where, when writing stories, I have experienced much difficulty so I appreciate the skill when I see it an author. Lynette plainly showed from the start that the main character had a bundle of trouble. As the story progressed she effectively projected the threat of unimaginable problems ahead. <br /><br />Seattle Reader<br /><br /><strong><span style="font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';">Review by: </span></strong>vanessa green on Apr. 19, 2009 : </span><span style="line-height:115%;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';color:#333333;font-size:9pt;"></span><span style="line-height:115%;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';color:#333333;font-size:9pt;" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><br />This book is amazing - I have been up at 4am reading it and cant put it down. Adventure, passion and sensation!! Just love that its is set in 1980s and reminds me of many things!!<br />a must read<br />Vanessa <br />Editor Eye magazine</span></p>