Brian Hess

Brian Hess


I have been involved with computers, as a website builder, securityspecialist, and computer doctor for a number of years. I have earned anAssociates Degree in Computer Networking, a Bachelor's Degree inInternet Information Systems, and I am completing my MBA in at thistime. One site that I have built and maintain is Iam an avid social networker, who not only does all the site's technicalwork, but I also represent its parent company, R.I.C.O. Entertainment,Inc., for all its public relations needs.

Ascending Voice

Ascending Voice

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<p>Ascending Voice is a collection of love, loss, vulnerability and healing. The book speaks of self-love while finding the way through the lotus, a symbol of life. There are fifty journal pages at the end of the book to encourage any feelings that come up to be expressed. This journey of poetry and inspiring prose includes affirmations, mantras, and Dear Self letters. This book is for anyone who has ever been lost or through dark times and wishes to be inspired.</p>

Story Behind The Book


<span class="style5"><span class="style7">S</span></span><span class="style6">onny Girard was born on the Lower East Side of Manhattan but raised in the Red Hook and Navy Yard sections of South Brooklyn: Mob Country. He has spent the greater part of his adult life on the inside of organized crime, not as a hanger-on or sycophant, but as a full time participant. </span> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style6" align="left">   <span class="style7">T</span>he target of a three-and-a-half year undercover operation by New York's Organized Crime Control Bureau, Sonny was characterized by the New York Post as &quot;...a middle echelon member&quot; of one of New York's five mob families. His arrest resulted in a three year sentence in State Prison, where he maxed out in facilities like Sing Sing, Dannemora, Downstate, and Arthurkill.</p> <p class="style6" align="left"> </p> <p class="style6">  <span class="style7">C</span>onvicted later of racketeering, under the R.I.C.O. Organized Crime Statute, by Rudy Giuliani's office, and sentenced to seven years in Federal Prison, Sonny Girard again served the maximum time allowed under the law. It was during that term that he wrote the first of his three novels, &quot;Blood of Our Fathers,&quot; which was published by Pocket/Simon &amp; Schuster.</p>