Toni Sweeney

Toni Sweeney


I write mostly sci-fi and fantasy, with an occasional sidestep into horror and westerns.  Thus far, I have 8 novels published as well as many short stories online at Amazon Shorts and in magazines.

The Race for Flugal Farm

The Race for Flugal Farm

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<p>The Race for Flugal Farm is the first book in a trilogy that charters the lives and adventures of the inhabitants of the Riding Stables at Flugal Farm.</p><div>Times had been hard for George Flugal and his wife, and this inevitably resulted in him having to sell the majority of the school's horses until he was left its just four: Pogo, Biff, Troy and an ex-racehorse called Chance.</div><div>The horses who along with a young stable hand Rachelle Perkins, a dog named Nugget, a pig called Nigel and an old family friend Uncle Dave, make up the Flugal's extended family.</div><div>When they find themselves facing the possibility of having the farm repossessed by the bank, and bought out by the odious Mr Williams, have to pull together to enter a carriage drive in order to win the prize money and save their way of life.</div>

Story Behind The Book


<p class="MsoNormal"><em>Sinbad's Last Voyage</em> is the best thing Ms. Sweeney has written so far.<span>  </span>Sinbad is definitely a rare and unique character.<span>  </span>Even though he's rude and crude, you'll find yourself liking him anyway, and he sugar-coats nothing.<span>  </span>Andrea shows that she has backbone when she's faced with unnerving situations that go beyond what she's ever experienced in her sheltered life as a Natural--and that will make you admire her greatly.<span>  </span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> </p><p></p> <p class="MsoNormal">Filled with thrilling scenes and danger at every turn, <em>Sinbad's Last Voyage</em> moves along with sheer speed.<span>  </span>It's incomparable and ingenious and you're sure to enjoy this futuristic tale of love and adventure.</p> <p class="MsoNormal"> </p><p></p> <p class="MsoNormal">You'll be hard-pressed to find anything like <em>Sinbad's Last Voyage</em>, so if you're looking for a romance that's not another of the cookie-cutter offerings out there, this is a great place to start.</p> <p class="MsoNormal"> </p><p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size:8pt;">Nights And Weekends - Sinbad's Last Voyage Review</span><span>               </span><span style="font-size:8pt;"></span></p><p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> </span></p><p></p> <span style="font-size:12pt;font-family:'Times New Roman';">Margaret Marr<br /><br /></span><p class="MsoNormal">As the Earth readies itself for war with the invading Albegensi, Navajo Andrea Talltrees travels to the Thieves Quarter to hire halfbreed smuggler Sinbad sh’en Singh to find her fugitive-from-justice husband. When they meet, however, it’s an immediate clash of cultures as well as personalities--plus a heavy dose of instant attraction! Refusing to admit that he has fallen in love with a hated Terran, Sinbad reluctantly takes Andi on a journey that will carry them halfway across the galaxy, where the part-feline smuggler will call on some old friends for help and face one deadly enemy with an old score to settle. In their search for Andi’s husband, they’ll uncover a secret invasion that threatens to destroy the war-torn Terran Federation, and will learn that it doesn’t matter how long a person loves but simply that he does love. (Blurb borrowed from the publisher's buy page for this book) </p> <p class="MsoNormal">I have to say I enjoyed this story very much. The world the characters live in isn't one I'd like to find myself in but it's quite unique and very well done. I had no trouble visualizing the scenes and liking the characters, particularly Sinbad.</p> <p class="MsoNormal"> </p><p></p> <span style="font-size:12pt;font-family:'Times New Roman';"><a href=""><span class="yshortcuts"></span></a></span>