Mark Levy

Mark Levy


Mark Stephen Levy just released his first novel, OVERLAND, a travel/adventure love story of historical proportions.

Mark was a worker bee, but yearned to travel. He went to bookstores to research his trip. He bought an India travel guide and absorbed it as if it were a page turning novel. He read that the monsoon season ended in India the end of August. It was May 30th when he left the US, and spent three months in Europe, just biding his time, while having the time of his life.

On his birthday, August 16, at age 32, he flew to India. A mishap caused his backpack to not make the flight on a brief transit stop from Sri Lanka to Southern India. He spent two frustrating hours in the Trivandrum airport lining up his backpack with hopes it would show up a few days later.

Resigned to the fact that there was nothing he could do, he took his trusty India guide and asked an auto rickshaw driver take him to the HotelBlueSea. As he was whisked through the balmy palm lined, slow paced, exotic streets, he completely forgot about his backpack. In that moment, his life had changed forever.

From there he met a French girl some weeks later in Jaipur, India. They spent only five days together and said goodbye never really knowing they would see each other again. They did, as she is now his wife and they have a beautiful eighteen year old daughter. Mark is originally from Los Angeles and he and his family live in Denver, Colorado.

Overland is a result of a many of his adventures and a vivid imagination.

Mark Stephen Levy

Prolific Writer of Love Story/Adventure

The Kurdish Connection

The Kurdish Connection

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<p><strong>KURDISH SCAVENGERS UNCOVER A CACHE OF NERVE GAS IN IRAQ AND OFFER THEM TO KURDISH FIGHTERS IN TURKEY. THE SPECIAL OPERATIONS BEDLAM ALPHA TEAM MUST SECURE THE WEAPONS BEFORE THEY CAN BE USED.</strong></p><p>&quot;<strong>You must swear by Allah never to say a word of what I'm going to tell you. </strong><strong>This is the most important secret. Ever!&quot;</strong></p><p><em>In their daily struggle for survival, Iraqi Kurdish scavengers uncover a cache of chemical weapons. They offer the weapons to fellow Kurdish rebels in Turkey and Syria to assist in their quest to free an imprisoned leader and create a unified homeland. After receiving a tip from an unlikely source, the newly formed Special Operations Bedlam team is called to arms! </em></p><p><em>Travel with Craig Cameron and his international team on their covert operation as they weave their way through war-torn regions seeking to locate and recover the weapons before they can be used to cause irreparable harm and instigate a world crisis. </em></p><p><em>The odds are stacked against them. Can they manage to keep their operation hidden and prevent further clashes before it's too late?</em></p><p>&quot;The Kurdish Connection--a compelling read. A story of friendship, danger and intrigue.&quot;--<em>Ann Everett, Amazon Best Selling Author.</em></p><p>..&quot;. Randall's authentic voice adds a powerful push to keep a reader turning the pages.&quot; --<em>Janet Taylor-Perry, author of The</em><em> Raiford</em><em> Chronicles, The Legend of</em><em> Draconis</em><em> Saga, and April Chastain Intrigues.</em></p><p>&quot;Topical - Engaging - Intriguing - Powerful ... A real page turner.&quot;--<em>Rikon Gaites</em><em>, author of Mummy's Little Soldier and Darius</em><em> Odenkirk</em><em>.</em></p><p>..&quot;. Randall Krzak brings his wealth of experience living in this troubled part of the world and his military knowledge to bear in this exciting story...&quot;--<em>John L.</em><em> DeBoer</em><em>, author of When the Reaper Comes.</em></p><p>..&quot;. a journey full of history, suspense, intrigue, and action...a MUST READ for all!&quot;--<em>Les Stahl, Retired</em> NSA Executive.</p><p>..&quot;. Readers need to fasten their seatbelts for a fast-paced tale made believable by a writer who knows what he's writing about.&quot;--<em>Preston</em><em> Holtry</em><em>, author of the Morgan</em><em> Westphal</em><em> mystery series and the</em><em> Arrius</em><em> trilogy (forthcoming).</em></p><p>&quot;A behind the scenes story, ripped from today's headlines deepening the reader's understanding of an ancient strife ... filled with the sights and smells of the market place and secret meetings, the reader is admitted to the secret heart, the desperate longings of those that must fight and win, or see continued subjugation by their masters...&quot;<em>--Oliver F. Chase, author of Camelot Games, </em>Levant Mirage, Blind Marsh, and Marsh Island.</p>

Story Behind The Book

Mark was a worker bee, but yearned to travel. He went to bookstores to research his trip. He bought an India travel guide and absorbed it as if it were a page turning novel. He read that the monsoon season ended in India the end of August. It was May 30th when he left the US, and spent three months in Europe, just biding his time, while having the time of his life. On his birthday, August 16, at age 32, he flew to India. A mishap caused his backpack to not make the flight on a brief transit stop from Sri Lanka to Southern India. He spent two frustrating hours in the Trivandrum airport lining up his backpack with hopes it would show up a few days later. Resigned to the fact that there was nothing he could do, he took his trusty India guide and asked an auto rickshaw driver take him to the Hotel Blue Sea. As he was whisked through the balmy palm lined, slow paced, exotic streets, he completely forgot about his backpack. In that moment, his life had changed forever. From there he met a French girl some weeks later in Jaipur, India. They spent only five days together and said goodbye never really knowing they would see each other again. They did, as she is now his wife and they have a beautiful eighteen year old daughter. Mark is originally from Los Angeles and he and his family live in Denver, Colorado. Overland is a result of a many of his adventures and a vivid imagination.


<br />My rating: <a href="">5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br /><span style="font-weight:bold;">Sara Wolf Stevens' Review of Overland</span><br /><br /><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">What a magical story! Mark not only gives us a story about love, he also provides action, adventure, and suspense. I found this book to flow as I turned each page and was taken away to far away places by Mark's vivid descriptions and incorporation of historical events. I would highly recommend this book to fans of all genres for its appeal to entertain the reader and keep you hooked all the way to the end.</span></span><br /><br /><span style="font-weight:bold;">From Jennifer Foust:<br /></span><br /><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">&quot;Your story was so intoxicating...your writing so picturesque without being wordy, the locales were postcard perfect, you really not just painted the image with your words, but I could hear the sounds and smell the scents of each scene that you described...I really felt as though I was there, as though I was Danny. I adore Emily, even the briefly introduced Anna. That's what I mean, you described each character, that they became people in my world. I even found myself weeping at the Tea Garden when they embrace at the end. And although you realistically described the horrific personal tradgies of war, I loved the way the doctors and towns folks were united and had the intimate relationships that this environment created. And you made it realistic but not gory where you want to skip thru it, I wanted to read every word because even with the bad you worked in a bit of compassion/good over evil/humanity at it's best a the time when it was it's worst. And the village story where Emily and Danny have their hut was such a romantic and perfectly time respite from the realistic war. From the birth then it went to the war and threat of death but ended in the escape...I just didn't want to put it down but at the same time I didn't want to read it too fast because each section was so wonderful I didn't want it to end. Your story has minute I was laughing, then teary-eyed. This would make one heck of a movie, like &quot;The Notebook&quot; quality movie.</span><br /></span><br /><span style="font-weight:bold;">From Lindsey Landis:</span><br /><br /><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">&quot;Mark, I just finished your book! What a page-turner! You did a fantastic job! &quot;</span><br /></span>