John Darrin

John Darrin


JohnDarrin is a consultant on nuclear and radiological emergency preparedness. Hisexperience in the nuclear industry has taken him all over the world, from Chinato Finland, from Central America to Canada, and includes dismantling obsoletenuclear reactors, the safe treatment and disposal of nuclear weapons waste, therecovery from the Three Mile Island accident, and manufacturing electronicinstruments to monitor radiation.
Evicted from his comfortable life by the untimely death of his wife in 2007,John gave away his belongings and now lives in his RV and travels the country on his Go Places / Meet People / Do ThingsTour of North America - coming soon to a location near you.

His novel, Screenshot, is a techno-thriller about a multi-millionaire entrepreneur with a bent formurder, and a talent for creating bizarre and aptly-named killing machines. Hislatest business plan is interactive pay-per-view executions, live on theInternet, and the paying public lines up for the chance to pull the trigger andwatch the spectacle. A crackpot scientist holds the key to bursting his dot.combubble, and a free-lance writer and a rogue FBI computer geek must use it tounlock the secret of his identity and stop the killings before they become thenext prime-time broadcast. For more information, visit

Mice & Spiders & Webs...Oh My!

Mice & Spiders & Webs...Oh My!

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<p>Mice &amp; Spiders &amp; Webs...Oh My! Is your child a good listener? Rosemary is a little girl who is worried about returning to school after her teacher warns the class that they would soon have some mice, spiders, and webs in the classroom. Could Rosemary have misunderstood something? How can mice and spiders and webs belong at school? Full of &quot;Computer Speak,&quot; this story introduces young readers to basic computer terms in a delightful way! See if your child can discover the mystery of the misunderstood words, and learn about the fun of computers with Rosemary. This is the seventh rhyming children's book by this award-winning author, whose other bestselling books include My Fingerpaint Masterpiece, Manner-Man, Gimme-Jimmy, The Magic Word, Peter and the Whimper-Whineys, and Santa's Birthday Gift. Former teacher Sherrill S. Cannon has won twenty-eight awards for her six previous rhyming books, and is also the author of seven published and internationally performed plays for elementary school children. She has been called &quot;a modern day Dr. Seuss&quot; by GTMA Review. &quot;I love to teach, and this book teaches basic computer terms in a fun way. I am retired and spend six months of the year with my husband of 55 years, traveling from coast to coast and sharing books along the way. I grew up in The Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C. , where my father was the manager. I'm the original Eloise!&quot; Publisher's website:</p>

Story Behind The Book

First novel depicts frightening but feasible real-life scenario by Brooke Kenny | Staff Writer - The Gazette The idea behind John Darrin's techno-thriller &quot;Screenshot&quot; is voyeuristic, haunting — and not that far-fetched. In the novel, courtesy of an extremely wealthy and disturbed entrepreneur, individuals pay to participate in interactive online assassinations of criminals. A writer and a rogue FBI computer geek are dragged into the events and themselves become targets. Darrin attributes the idea to a real story his son Josh told him about a Texas rancher who set up a remote-controlled rifle and a video camera and sold time on the Internet to people who wanted to shoot wildlife that passed by. Participants could activate the rifle from their computer. In an age of increasingly interactive entertainment, Darrin fears we are moving in the direction of the audience in his novel. &quot;…This kind of spectacle has always had its fans,&quot; Darrin says. &quot;You look at what professional wrestling has evolved to, and even that is not enough. Now we get ultimate warrior-type contests where there are no rules. Someone has to give up or be knocked unconscious, or worse. The Internet, with its anonymity and access, makes this even easier.&quot; Darrin, who moved to Montgomery County at age 13, has lived in Bethesda, Chevy Chase, Potomac and Rockville. For now, though, his home is the 36-foot travel trailer he drives through the country. After Darrin's wife Anne died of a rare neurological disease in late 2007, he gave away all their possessions and bought the trailer, a truck to tow it and a motorcycle. He hit the open road in May 2008, and has been all over the U.S. on what he calls his &quot;Go Places / Meet People / Do Things Tour.&quot; &quot;I knew if I stayed in our home after she died, I would hibernate, doing my consulting work from my home office and leave only to get groceries.&quot; Darrin says. &quot;And eventually I'd become the Unabomber or something.&quot; Darrin wrote the book during his wife's illness, but considers fiction writing entertainment rather than a form of therapy. He describes the stories he creates as movies in his head. &quot;The way I write is that I create an exciting scenario, populate it with interesting people, and report what happens,&quot; he says. &quot;I am often surprised by the directions the story takes, or the actions and feelings of my characters.&quot; The author is pleased at the realism of his characters, events and technology. &quot;My hero is no hero. He's just a good man who perseveres in the face of some pretty difficult situations that he gets pulled into,&quot; he says. A sequel to &quot;Screenshot&quot; called &quot;The Rocket's Red Glare,&quot; about coordinated simultaneous dirty bomb attacks, is in the works. He is also writing a non-fiction book, with five short biographies of people he has known, and ghostwriting on another project. In the fall, Darrin plans to get married and live in Frederick. Currently employed as a consultant on response preparedness for nuclear and radiological emergencies, eventually he hopes his writing will pay the bills. &quot;Screenshot&quot; is available for purchase at major online booksellers and by visiting


&quot;... a satisfying debut thriller ...&quot; that &quot;... keeps readers on the edge of their seats.&quot; Booklist