Aggie Villanueva

Aggie Villanueva



Aggie’s how-to, The Rewritten Word, held multiple Amazon category bestseller status for over seventeen months (and still holding), and Amazon Categories Create Best Sellers  hit multiple category bestseller three days after release at Kindle. Published at Thomas Nelson before age 30, award-winning author Aggie Villanueva is now a self-published fiction & nonfiction author at Amazon/Kindle with The Rewritten WordRightfully Mine and Amazon Categories Create Best Sellers, all of which reached bestseller in multiple categories shortly after release, and also ranking in multiple categories of Amazon’s Top Rated and Hot New Releases lists. The Rewritten Word won the 2011 Global eBooks award in Writing/Publishing. Aggie foundedPromotion á la Carte, author promotional services July 2010 and 6 months later was voted #2 at Preditors & Editors inPromotion, and #4 in 2011. My Book Marketing Systems is her sister company that save authors $100s - $1,000s, allowing them entry into the author app mobile market of billions. She teaches author promotion across the Web. Villanueva is also an award-winning critically acclaimed photographic artist represented by galleries nationwide, including Xanadu Gallery in Scottsdale, AZ. Contact Villanueva at


"Thisbook is a little jewel. Aggie Villanueva’s how-to changes your perspective ofAmazon from that of an online book store to that of an author publicitymachine. like its namesake – is a large, unfathomable, murky riverwith many secrets and many treasures. This book shines a light on one suchsecret – using the categories function on Amazon to create best sellers. Thislittle book is essential reading for authors ... even those who hateAmazon!"
Vikram Narayan, CEO

"Ifyour book is listed on Amazon, but you don't know about these hidden featuresthat benefit writers, you're missing out big time. Best-selling author AggieVillanueva takes you step-by-step through the process of categorizing your bookand offers dozens of valuable tips that will help your book reach the top - orat least gain greater visibility. This book is fantastic."
Author/Editor Sigrid Macdonald

“This is anexcellent/easy-to-read and easy-to-implement "how to" book. Thankyou, Aggie, for being willing to share your knowledge with others and for beingsuch an awesome author. 
VicToria Freudiger, owner Digi-Tall Media & Entry Way Publishing

“If you're anew author or simply wanting to get great, creative and FREE ideas formarketing it on Amazon, you have to read Aggie Villanueva's book, AmazonCategories Create Best Sellers. Her advice is spot on for me, a new author.” 
Cinda Crawford Host HealthMatters ShowSee videoreview 

“Herportrayal of a humanity struggling between safety and destiny is touching,palpable, and memorable. This is easily one of the best biblical novels I’veever read.” 
From a review of Rightfully Mine by K.M. Weiland.

“One of myfavorite movies of all time is The Ten Commandments. Rightfully Mine is now oneof my favorite books.” 
From a review of Rightfully Mine by Cindy Bauer

“…with theeconomy of words that is the hallmark of a masterful writer. Her characters arefull-bodied; her action scenes are tense and exciting; her love scenes are bothpure and seductive.” 
From a review of Rightfully Mine by Linda Yezak

“Thisreviewer liked the book so much that she is buying it as a Christmas gift for afamily member.”
**** 4 stars Carol Langstroth, Manager, Mind Fog Reviews

"TheRewritten Word is a brilliant little book! Villanueva tackles the"how-to" subject of writing with concise examples, lessons andexercises designed to help both the novice and established author. Theinformation can be applied to fiction and nonfiction, as well as full lengthbooks, articles and essays. This is not a dry read or boring guide. Villanuevaentertains while she goes about demonstrating her points. A must for anyonelooking to make his or her writing more dynamic."
Review of The Rewritten Word by DarciaHelle

“If you'relooking for a book about writing, this isn't the thing for you. If, however,you are looking for a book dedicated to the art of rewriting, then you need toswipe this up right away. Bestselling novelist Aggie Villanueva takes youthrough five separate lessons that will show you how to rewrite with clarity.By numerous examples she'll teach you how to find the right words that will addpunch to your art, no matter the genre. A tiny book that is big on greatadvice.”
Review of The Rewritten by Cheryl C.Malandrinos

“Villanueva'sbook does not disappoint....a great reference book to go back to, it willremind writers as to why we do what we do. It's about the ideas, thoughts, andour passion down on paper. It's about going back to the drawing board and towork with what we have. Go pick up this book, my plot bunnies thank Aggie!”
Review of The Rewritten Word by DeniseAlicea

“...noteveryone reading The Rewritten Word will understand that tightening, coming toconcise expressions of your meaning IS poetry, even when used in prose. AggieVillanueva has made it easier for writers to get where they are going and to beread.”
Review of The Rewritten Word byGeorgia Jones

“...she hasdone a better job than most of the manuals used and I suggested that she beginto market it to public and private schools for any grade level. An author youwill want to follow.”
Reader's Favorite review of The Rewritten Word

“Aggie delivers a power-packed small booklet for authors, literaryprofessionals, and even editors to review for their writing or works they areediting. “
Review of The Rewritten Word by Adrienna Turner


 “…Villanueva is one of those rare individualswho uses new technology…to take a digital image to a new and excitinglevel….With some photographers this digitizing and manipulation are evident andstumbling...not so with Villanueva's work, which is sophisticated and wellthought out….She has a knack for transferring her impression of a scene to theviewer that is remarkable and almost magical.
Criticallyacclaimed in the June 19, 2008 issue of the Rio Grande Sun:Critically acclaimedin the June 19, 2008 issue of the Rio Grande Sun

“She isknown as the "Grandma Moses of the American Southwest," and thenickname fits as comfortably as a well-worn pair of jeans. Aggie Villanueva isa self-taught artist, a grandmother and something of a folk hero to anyone whoopts to pursue a new vocation later in life. A photographer and writer, shelives in a modest cabin in the New Mexico Mountains and draws inspiration fromthe dazzling beauty of the Southwest. Her photographs are fantastic, evensurreal.”
Thomas B. Harrison,MobileRegister

As Aggiestates; The Fairy Trail is real, folks. Welcome To My Path.”

DiscoverAggie’s photographic art blog, AggieLogic  

Aggie’s online studio at XanaduGallery, Scottsdale, AZ 

The complete Collection at the Fairy TrailsOnline Gallery

Godwine Kingmaker: Part One of The Last Great Saxon Earls

Godwine Kingmaker: Part One of The Last Great Saxon Earls

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<p><span><span>Harold Godwineson, the Last Anglo-Saxon King, owed everything to his father. Who was this Godwine, first Earl of Wessex and known as the Kingmaker? Was he an unscrupulous schemer, using King and Witan to gain power? Or was he the greatest of all Saxon Earls, protector of the English against the hated Normans? The answer depends on who you ask. He was befriended by the Danes, raised up by Canute the Great, given an Earldom and a wife from the highest Danish ranks. He sired nine children, among them four Earls, a Queen and a future King. Along with his power came a struggle to keep his enemies at bay, and Godwine's best efforts were brought down by the misdeeds of his eldest son Swegn. Although he became father-in-law to a reluctant Edward the Confessor, his fortunes dwindled as the Normans gained prominence at court. Driven into exile, Godwine regathered his forces and came back even stronger, only to discover that his second son Harold was destined to surpass him in renown and glory.</span></span></p>

Story Behind The Book

Before I'd even finished co-authoring my first novel, Chase the Wind, published by Thomas Nelson, I'd discovered the story of Noah (my Rizpah) in Numbers 27. I immediately fell in love with this strong woman who braved the entire male nation of Israel to plead her case before Moses. When the realization hit her that, since only men could inherit land, she and her family of sisters only would be left homeless in the bright, shinning promised land. There was no promise for them. Needless to say, as soon as my first novel was published I began my reasearch for Rightfully Mine. And needless to say, Thomas Nelson grabbed the story immediately. That was in 1984. I've now re-published this epic story. Seems I love it as much now as then.


<span style="color:#bfffdf;"><span style="color:#000000;">&quot;A carefully researched and inspiring story of someone who stands up against the crowd and seeks God with their whole heart . . . regardless of the cost.&quot;<br /></span><em><a href=""><span style="color:#000000;">Bill Myers</span></a><span style="color:#000000;"> - bestselling author of &quot;Eli&quot;</span></em></span><div><em><br /></em></div><div style="color:#441415;"><em><br /></em></div><div style="color:#441415;"><em><span style="color:#bfffdf;"><span style="color:#441415;">&quot;Her portrayal of a humanity struggling between safety and destiny is touching, palpable, and memorable. This is easily one of the best biblical novels I’ve ever read.</span><em style="color:#441415;"><span style="color:#441415;">&quot;</span><br />KM Weiland, author of <a href="">A Man Called Outlaw</a> and <a href="">Behold the Dawn</a>.</em></span><br /></em></div><div style="color:#441415;"><em><br /></em></div><div style="color:#441415;"><font color="#0000BF"><em><br /></em></font></div><div style="color:#441415;"><em><span style="color:#bfffdf;"><span style="color:#0000bf;">&quot;Along with the rich plot and subplot of the novel, Aggie exhibits a talent for placing the reader in the heart of the bedouin camps, in the very tents and activities of the characters she brings to life, with the economy of words that is the hallmark of a masterful writer.&quot;<br /><a href="">Linda Yezak</a><span style="color:#0000bf;">, Author/Reviewer</span></span></span></em></div><div style="color:#441415;"><em><span style="color:#bfffdf;"><span style="color:#0000bf;"><span style="color:#0000bf;"></span></span></span></em><p style="color:#0000bf;"></p><p style="color:#0000bf;"></p><p><font color="#BFFFDF"><em><br /></em></font></p><p style="color:#800000;"><span style="color:#bfffdf;"><em><span style="color:#800000;">One of favorite movies of all time is The Ten Commandments. Rightfully Mine</span></em><span style="color:#800000;"> is now one of my favorite books. The author, Aggie Villanueva, weaves a superb blend of biblical history entwined with romance.&quot; </span></span></p><p><span style="color:#bfffdf;"></span></p><p style="color:#800000;"><span style="color:#800000;"><span style="color:#800000;">Cindy Bauer, author of </span><em><a href="">Chasing Memories</a></em> &amp; <em><a href="">S</a><a href="">hades of Blue</a></em><em>.</em></span></p><p style="color:#800000;"><em><br /></em></p><p style="color:#800000;"><em></em></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;"><br /></span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS', 'sans-serif';">This reviewer liked the book so much that she is buying it as a Christmas gift for a family member.</span> <strong><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS', 'sans-serif';">**** 4 stars<br /><span style="font-family:arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;font-weight:normal;"><strong><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS', 'sans-serif';">Carol Langstroth, Manager</span>, </strong><strong><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS', 'sans-serif';">Mind Fog Reviews</span></strong></span></span></strong></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;"><strong><br /></strong></span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;"><strong><br /></strong></span></p></div>