Michele Meiche

Michele Meiche


Michele helps people make the changes in their life that they can’t seem to make on their own. She is able to help them cut through the blocks that hold them back from making the life changes they want and living their dream. With her help they get clarity, direction, focus, support and the tools to transform their lives. Michele’s Life Coaching and Spiritual Integration programs allow modern people to integrate these tools in their everyday lives. Her tools and programs are practical and geared for modern living. You don’t have to go off to the Himalayas for peace of mind. You can have peace of mind in the middle of a stressful day or in midst of chaos in a busy family. Peace of mind is simply that- A State of Mind – You can learn to attain and maintain.

Michele teachess Meditation for Spiritual Unfoldment
Spiritual Life Coach – Self Development & Spiritual Integration
Meditation & Transpersonal Inner work- Growth work for soul centered living

Michele is a Psychic Channel, Spiritual Life Coach and  helps people make the changes in their life that allow Soul Alignment and more life enhancement.
She focuses on Shamanic Inner Work, Spiritualism and Spiritual Principles in her healing practice.
Michele is also a Producer & Host for Conscious TV & Media
She is also a Fellow of The NBHA and on the board of the NBHA

Awakenings Radio

Insight & Inspiration for Conscious Living...

Living from the template of the Soul

& being Spirit Led....

Outta Time

Outta Time

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<p> </p><p>Sophie is a psychic medium and animal communicator. She runs a small crystal shop called, Outta Time. The shop</p><p>Is located in a small district called Lents in Portland, Oregon.</p><p>Nick is a man who if you can't touch it, feel it or see it then it doesn't exist. He is sure she is a phony psychic who is bilking money out of his mother and he intends to expose her.</p><p>Sophie sees him as a non-believer, someone who could never understand her or her way of life. She is attracted to him but knows there can be no future for them unless he can be made to understand what her world is all about.</p><p>Their Guardian Angels get into the act to guide the two to a better understanding of each other.</p><p>Nick's Guardians help his deceased Father get through to Nick and help him to understand that death is not the end. He soon learns there can be communication between the living and the dead.</p>

Story Behind The Book

On the first edition of this book i was actually asked to write an autobiography... i didn't think i yet, had enough to say & share in this format... During this time I was also working with a lot of clients on "stress reduction" hypnotherapy, spiritual awareness & meditation.... So many clients were saying "I don't have time", " I can't meditate", " I don't know how to", "It is too frustrating to try" and "My mind races too much"....and so on... I had come from a background of meditating for 2 1/2 hrs in the morning & 2 1/2 hrs in the evening... i had been to many meditation retreats, classes, silent retreats.. I had studied with Muktananda, Gurumayi, my Native American Elders, studied Shamanism-mysticism, spiritualism, hypnotherapy, nlp, metaphysics-many healing modalities, spiritual disciplines and philosophies. So, i was steeped in meditation....LOL... So, what was the problem??.. But there was a problem... Time, and Technique... I realized that all is consciousness... And, if meditation was our True Nature as is stated in the Buddhist Sutra.. then it is there inside us... essential is us... I also realized that it really is a falsehood that it takes a "certain amount of time" to align within... A profound realization for me was that you don't have to be a bodhisattva, ascetic, monk, priest or initiated guru to live in this state.... It is absolutely possible to live in this state and to know when you are off center and in a manner of minutes, seconds or with a simple shift in awareness, shift in consciousness to re-connect.. The focus of this book is just this... I distilled what i learned, experienced and lived for over 20 yrs and put it in a form that is not only easy to do (with practice) but is impossible not to do. :-) The breath is key... without the breath awareness there is no true alignment... So, i became impassioned... And, i caught a lot of flack.... I was told this can't be right...but it is... If it is really our "True Nature" then meditation simply helps you be "You"....Your True You... and that is much more peaceful and joyful... This doesn't mean you don't have ups and downs in your life... Or, times when you are sad or mad... It just means you don't lose your inner connection. You retain an inner peace, no matter what. You retain an awareness that you are more than your circumstances and you live with this knowing fully expressed. You remember the truth of who you are... So, I've always been a bit of a rebel and a bit ahead of the curve and so I taught this to many & many responded "I am this"... Yes.. you are this.... So, it doesn't matter if you wear white, are vegan or wear black, have a Gucci bag, Louis Vuitton, or wear hemp, do yoga, don't do yoga, do pilates, run a marathon, lift weights, drink alcohol, etc, etc... you are still spiritual... You are a spiritual being... of spirit.. and meditation is simply a way to remember the truth of who you are and make decisions and live from this awareness...


<p style="font-family:'yui-tmp';color:#7f007f;" align="left"><span style="font-size:14px;">1-</span>Michele's book is truly a fine tool for incorporating meditation practice into everyday living..and that has made a huge, positive difference in my life. The meditations, reflections, and teaching are clear, genuine and heart-felt. Rather than making meditation an isolated, internal process, this book shows how you can live a meditative life in all that you do and thus access moment by moment the deep power you possess. Indeed, if more people followed these practices, the <span style="color:#7f007f;">world would live in an elevated state.--John Bertolli <br /></span></p><p style="font-family:'yui-tmp';color:#7f007f;" align="left"><span style="color:#7f007f;"><br /></span></p><p style="font-family:'yui-tmp';" align="left"></p><p style="font-family:'yui-tmp';" align="left"><span style="color:#7f007f;"><span style="color:#7f007f;"><em></em></span></span></p> <p style="font-family:'yui-tmp';" align="left"><span style="color:#7f007f;">2-I used Michele’s guided meditation to manage a debilitating neurological disease I was diagnosed with. These meditations have been paramount to my full recovery to health. Michele continually lends me her optimism, strength, and wisdom to keep pushing forward to the light.<em><span style="color:#7f007f;">--Kimberly Keys Insurance Consultant</span></em></span></p><p style="font-family:'yui-tmp';" align="left"><span style="color:#7f007f;"><em><span style="color:#7f007f;"><br /></span></em></span></p><p style="font-family:'yui-tmp';color:#7f007f;" align="left"><span style="font-size:14px;"><em><span style="color:#7f007f;"></span></em><span style="color:#7f007f;">3-</span></span><span style="font-size:14px;">When I am confused, overwhelmed, or stressed out in 20 minutes, I feel centered, calm and refreshed.<span style="color:#7f007f;"><em>--Dana Zdanis Business Consultant</em></span></span></p><p style="font-family:'yui-tmp';" align="left"><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#7f007f;"><em><br /></em></span></span></p><p style="font-family:'yui-tmp';color:#7f007f;" align="left"><span style="font-size:14px;"><em>4-</em></span>Mediation for Everyday living is a book for everyone. It truly made meditation something I could do. I was always daunted by closing my eyes and going within and Michele makes it fun. I recommend this book for the holidays, it is a great gift to give the beginner and the expert. I am so glad I picked up this book!! Thank you and blessings- David Brown</p><p style="font-family:'yui-tmp';color:#7f007f;" align="left"></p><p style="font-family:'yui-tmp';color:#7f007f;" align="left"></p><p style="font-family:'yui-tmp';color:#7f007f;" align="left"></p><p style="font-family:'yui-tmp';" align="left"></p><p style="font-family:'yui-tmp';color:#7f007f;" align="left">5-This is one of the best books i have ever read on meditation !!! Michele makes meditation so easy !!! It is great for the person who is on the go and doesn't have the time to meditate for hours ... After just a few short minutes of doing just one of her meditations I feel a complete shift in my energy.A sense of calm and peace replaces the stress and anxiety i usually walk around with.Thank God for this book !!!! Its a life saver !!Its a tool I always carry with me !!! LB</p><p style="font-family:'yui-tmp';color:#7f007f;" align="left"></p><p style="font-family:'yui-tmp';color:#7f007f;" align="left"></p><p style="font-family:'yui-tmp';color:#7f007f;" align="left"></p><p style="font-family:'yui-tmp';" align="left"></p> <p style="font-family:'yui-tmp';color:#7f007f;" align="left">6-<span style="font-size:14px;"></span><span style="font-size:14px;">In a recent visit to my doctor for a physical,</span><span style="font-size:14px;">I registered higher than usual blood pressure. I asked for 3-4 minutes, during which I focused and meditated, using one of Michele’s meditation processes. Upon re-taking my blood pressure the second reading was normal. Michele’s integrated spirituality, intelligence and highly evolved creative talents are courageously put into action with her processes.<br /><span style="color:#7f007f;"><em>Barry Alexander Nelson BSc. Microbiology<br /> Owner &amp; President, UltraPure Water Quality, Inc.<br /> Ontario, Canada</em></span></span></p><p style="font-family:'yui-tmp';" align="left"></p><p style="font-family:'yui-tmp';" align="left"><br /><span style="font-size:14px;color:#7f007f;">7-This book changed my life. Michele is an amazing meditation coach. Her clear instruction coupled with the power of meditation is a powerful tool for letting go of old patterns and coming into the present moment. Letting go of past events and not endlessly making lists of what will happen in the future were a direct result of reading this book. I am very grateful for the gift that she has given in this book, the gift of enjoying the present.</span><span style="font-size:14px;color:#7f007f;"> Desiree Bartlett</span></p><table style="font-family:'yui-tmp';" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr style="font-family:'yui-tmp';"><td style="vertical-align:top;"><br /></td><td style="vertical-align:top;"><br /></td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><br /></td><td><br /></td></tr></tbody></table><span style="color:#7f007f;"> 8-This book will change you life, Michelle approach to living from this state has transformed my meditation practice while at Work, car anywhere you simply turn with-in and remember the breath. The format ,writing is so easy to get you will have a practice down.-<span style="text-decoration:underline;"></span>Digby Leibovitz</span><br /><br /><br /><div style="margin-bottom:.5em;font-family:'yui-tmp';">  <span style="color:#7f007f;">9-Michele meiche has written a helpful and insightful book for those interested in developing and expanding their awareness of the consciousness that exists beyond that of the busy and materially driven world. This state exists as a reality and the book that encompasses Michele's inspirational insights provides a great source of techniques for developing inner awareness and helping people to reach a state of equilibrium in which mind, body and spirit become centered. As a result, they can make great changes in their lives and experience being in the pressent moment in joy and fulfillment. This is a wonderful book and I highly recommend it   Anna Maria Hemingway</span><br /></div><span style="color:#794a72;"><span style="color:#7f007f;">   </span><br /></span>