Naomi Arthur

Naomi Arthur


Mother of five children, grandmother of eight, and great-grandmother of three.  Writer/Poet/Author.  Published: Arising From the Insanity: The Written works of Naomi R. Butler Arthur, January 2009.

I am a firm believer that God the Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of the Holy Bible, reigns supreme and without Him, my life would have taken a very different turn.  I would have never survived this life without His intervention!


The Magic Word

The Magic Word

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<p style="margin:0in 0in 10pt;" class="MsoNormal"><span style="line-height:115%;font-family:'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:12pt;">Elisabeth was rude and selfish and demanding, and therefore had very few friends.<span>  </span>When she sent out invitations to her birthday party, no one accepted.<span>  </span>Her mother warned her that she needed to improve her manners and to try to get along with people.<span>  </span>She told Elisabeth that she needed to use the magic word “Please”.<span>  </span>So when Elisabeth went to school the next day, she thought of her mother’s advice, “What is the magic word?” and she started saying “Please” and also “Thank You”.<span>  </span>She tried to become more thoughtful of others, and discovered that she was a much happier person.<span>  </span>Imagine her pleasure when she returned home to find out that her new friends were all coming to her birthday party!</span><span style="line-height:115%;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';font-size:10pt;"></span></p><p></p>

Story Behind The Book

Deep, dark, and horrid secrets can destroy a soul. They cause depression, contributes to mental illness and, many times, even suicide. But, if we can only have the courage to reveal that which we have hidden from others for so long, that secret can no longer have any power over us. For many years I knew that my story must be told, but when? How? Finally in 2009, my time came; the opportunity came for me to publish my story in poetry. I am pleased to offer Arising from the Insanity: The Written Works of Naomi R. Arthur to those who feel they are, or have been, trapped in the deadly cycle of abuse. You do not have to stay locked away in those prison walls, break yourself free. You have the right to happiness and independence. There is hope!


This is a very honest and wonderful piece of artistic work that will help anyone who has been a victim of abuse.The author's writing style and honesty in dealing with the tough subject of her abuse helps and allows the reader to understand their own history of abuse. <br /><br />&quot;A must read for anyone who has been a victim or was subjected to living in an abusive environment&quot;! <br /><br />POWERFUL &amp; HEALING<br /><br />J. Brooks