maria Rachel Hooley

maria Rachel Hooley


I've written over twenty novels, including When Angels Cry, New Life Incorporated, and the Sojourner series.  My poetry has been published in over 80 literary journals across the United States and United Kingdom.  I live in Oklahoma with my husband and three children.

Christianity, the Law of Attraction and the One Command: Bible Principles Revealed and Applied to Every Day Living

Christianity, the Law of Attraction and the One Command: Bible Principles Revealed and Applied to Every Day Living

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<p>The Bible spells out in God's terms what &quot;The Secret&quot; said in human terms. &quot;Christianity, The Law of Attraction and The One Command &quot; is the bridge between God's word, His universal laws, The One Command by Asara Lovejoy and you.</p>

Story Behind The Book

Everybody wants to argue the pros and cons about abortion but there really no one who wants to look at what happens after the fact. This book is written for women who have had abortions and no one to talk to.


<div class="h3color tiny" style="margin-bottom:.5em;font-weight:bold;"></div> <div style="margin-bottom:.5em;"><span style="margin-right:5px;"><span class="swSprite s_star_4_0" title="4.0 out of 5 stars"><span></span></span></span><span style="vertical-align:middle;"><strong>Very very well done, but a little too long in the front</strong> </span> </div><span class="h3color tiny"></span><strong>By Candy Beauchamp (Amazon Vine Voice and Top 1000 Reviewer)<br /></strong><div class="tiny" style="margin-bottom:.5em;"></div> While I admit that the first half of the book moves pretty slow, now that I'm 85% in, I can see that it was necessary to get the character development needed for a novel of this depth. This book is on the serious side, dealing with teen dating, rape and pregnancy and has some hot button issues, but the writing and the realism that the author manages to capture makes it mesmerizing to read. I cannot put it down now that I'm at a critical point in the story. <br /><br />But therein lies the problem with this novel. It's pretty serious stuff and I really wanted the author to give us more information about the aftermath and healing. I think those elements would have been much more important than the long set up. Yes, we needed that too, but it still could have been trimmed by 1/3 in the front part of this book and still been very well done. It wrapped up entirely too fast for me. I needed more, not too much more, but just enough so I would feel good about how Skye's life turned out. <br /><br />There were a few grammar/spelling errors, but nothing a good content editor couldn't help with. I dunno. I'm really torn on this one because had it not be for how well the author presented this hard subject matter, I would give it 3 stars, but I'm going to leave it at 4 because this is a TOUGH one to tackle in the YA market and she handled it beautifully. The characters were realistic, compassionate and well-rounded. I just hope she continues to write and maybe makes sure her next book goes through a top notch editor. <br /><br />I would recommend this to high school students. I think the message is one that is important. HOWEVER, I would urge parents to read this one first to make sure their child can handle the subject matter. Only you know your kid, right?