Rai Aren

Rai Aren


I am the co-author of the adventure novel Secret of the Sands, and its upcoming sequel Destiny of the Sands. I have been fascinated by ancient Egypt since I was a child, about the same time that I first tried my hand at writing. I find writing novels to be an absolutely magical process, it captivates me. There is a point in writing a novel, when it really comes alive, with a life all its own. I always write with a message in mind and I enjoying reading books with the same, ones that explore the larger issues in life and reach beyond the everyday ordinary...

New Alpha Rising: Ascension Part I

New Alpha Rising: Ascension Part I

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<p>Countless years ago, measured in thousands, the Gods came first. Monstrous creations were born of their frivolity. Like the Gods, some of the creations were peaceful, others not. Their duty to preserve the earth completed once more, however, the day came that the Gods had to leave earth. Unleashed and with loose regulation, the abominable creations left behind multiplied. In their midst, another conception came to be, and his kind would exist absolutely outside of the God’s purview.<br />Unmated, alone, and untrusting of others, Chatran was charged to go to a place and protect the father of a great child, yet unborn. This duty, however, was unknown to the most cognizant part of Chatran. Only the Beast, who resided within him, knew. As a result, the Beast led Chatran to Walhalla, North Dakota. Although his initial charge was to protect the father he found there, Chatran also gained a mate and Pack. With them, Chatran also found a new way forward, and started on a course that would lead to – New Alpha Rising: Ascension.</p>

Story Behind The Book

My co-author, Tavius, & I knew we wanted to write an epic story with timeless lessons that was also a fun & entertaining adventure. In the process of brainstorming story concept ideas, I happened to see a program on the Discovery Channel where they were looking into the Great Sphinx of Giza and debating its age and origins. An archaeologist was proposing that it might be much, much older than is currently recorded in the history books. I knew right then & there that we had found the seed for our book. We took that theory & ran with it! It was also an easy choice, because both of us had been fascinated by ancient Egypt our whole lives. Secret of the Sands, on a philosophical level, is a journey of discovery, of discovering our own individual power, and ability to make a difference in the world. It speaks to the power of friendship and love, and the price of betrayal and the lust for power and control. It is a story about how our character and what we do in this life matters. It matters a lot, and in ways we don’t even know yet and can’t always predict. Most importantly it is a lesson in how we are all one, and that we are not separate from one another. We should accept and build upon one another’s strengths and differences, because that is truly how we grow stronger.


<strong>&quot;A deep probing mystery riddled with prophecy and danger, Secret of the Sands uses Egypt and her mythology as a backdrop to delve into the meanings of life and religion.&quot;</strong> <em>-McNally Robinson</em><br /><strong><br />&quot;Rai Aren and Tavius E. have crafted a fast-paced, exciting novel overflowing with mystery and intrigue. The tension is constant. The characters fully developed. And the plot gripping. Ancient history and present day relevance are so expertly intertwined, that you might forget you are reading a work of fiction.&quot;</strong> -- <em>Thomas Phillips, author of The Molech Prophecy</em>