Chris Canuel

Chris Canuel


I have spent my entire life in southeastern North Carolina. I currentlylive in Hampstead with my wife Meredith, and our 3 little boys.

I have always enjoyed reading and writing. I am not a big reader offiction, though if it is a good story, I will be hooked. A couple ofauthors I really enjoy these days are Mitch Albom and David Gregory.Albom is the author of "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" and"Tuesdays With Morrie". He has also written another book called "ForOne More Day" that I have not yet read. Gregory is the writer of"Dinner with a Perfect Stranger" and "A Day With a Perfect Stranger".You may also find me reading the short stories of Ernest Hemingway andF. Scott Fitzgerald. If I could model myself after one author, I thinkI would have to choose C.S. Lewis. He was such an artist with words,and had an excellent knowledge of the human condition.

Most of my time however is spent reading the great theologians andChristians of the past such as Augustine, Calvin, Luther, Edwards,Bunyan, and Spurgeon amongst others. I have recently become veryinterested in Philosophy as well, and really enjoy Francis Schaefferand how he intertwines the study of Theology and Philosophy. I alsolove to read John Piper. His passion for God is tremendouslycontagious.

I have never envisioned myself as a fiction writer, but as anon-fiction, expositional writer. One day however God gave me the ideafor my first book "Testimony". I think it is a great story that needsto be told and can help many who may be in a situation similar to theone I was in, and similar to the one the main character, Paul is in. Weall have questions about faith, and who God is. "Testimony" is apartially autobiographical tale about how God uses ALL of ourcircumstances in life to reveal who He is to His children.

The Golden Rule Coloring Book

The Golden Rule Coloring Book

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<p>What if you treated others the way you’d like to be treated? If everyone did that, what kind of world could there be? Please join the children’s quest to discover how to follow the Golden Rule and to share it with others. </p><p>This coloring book version of Sherrill S. Cannon’s best-selling children’s story, The Golden Rule, allows kids to enjoy reading in rhyme, as well as illustrating their own version of how children can help us be kind to each other.</p>

Story Behind The Book
